A presentation of a case study: Developing International Placements in The Punjab for ITE students at Newman University College Parminder Assi Rachel Morgan-Guthrie.


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Presentation transcript:

A presentation of a case study: Developing International Placements in The Punjab for ITE students at Newman University College Parminder Assi Rachel Morgan-Guthrie Bob Shipman

“To meet the needs of the 21st century, schools must successfully teach many more students from increasingly diverse backgrounds while preparing them for a much more complex, interdependent world that most teachers themselves are not familiar with. Consequently, the nature of teacher preparation and the settings in which students learn to teach must undergo substantial change.” (Cushner & Mahon, 2002, p.45)

3 Context Newman University College undergraduate course options Development of International Placements in I.T.E. Preparation for study visits to The Gambia Engagement of the local educational and the wider community in preparation for International Placements in The Punjab Preparation visit to The Punjab Opportunities for students to meet TDA Professional Standards particularly ‘ Q18 Understand how children and young people develop and how the progress, rate of development and well- being of learners are affected by a range of developmental, social, religious, ethnic, cultural and linguistic influences’ and also Q1, Q19 and Q29.

4 Emergent research Focus: To explore the potential in an International Placement for broader cultural and professional experiences. Objectives To establish contacts with and canvass opinion from Punjabis both in the Punjab and here in the West Midlands who would contribute towards supporting NUC students on ITE International Placements. To propose a programme of cultural and professional experience for the International Placement module in Spring 2009.

Methodology Collaborative research and ways of understanding complexity Qualitative, interpretive process guided by phenomenological perspectives 5

To explore; expectations, needs and experiences of specific cohorts of students how staff can develop and sustain collaborative research as co- researchers how staff can facilitate research, review and analysis of data by students how outcomes of research could be used to support institutional strategic planning for internationalisation 6

Process observation of research sites semi-structured interviews, use of prompts and recording/note taking research diaries and student journals evaluations and feedback ethical considerations 7

Analysis guided by; identifying emerging themes from each site, comparing findings across sites coding and checking for reliability in recognition and coding of themes analysis of commonality in central themes reflexivity, subject bias 8

9 Findings Enhancement of student cultural and professional experiences occur when appropriate consideration is given to negotiation with stakeholders of what constitutes an ‘effective’ international placement Importance of informed student preparation and the establishment of supportive social and professional mentoring in the host country Sustained collaborative research and professional dialogue is enhanced through mutual commitment to the project – including development of MOU

10 SourcesOutcomes Students (prior to S.E.) Importance of prior preparation – scaffolding new experiences, challenging preconceptions Local Punjab Community (UK) Long-term relationships developed – students better prepared for teaching in schools with high BME population Educational Community (The Punjab) Professionals from The Punjab have visited Newman University College and partnership schools, undertaking mentor training and sharing of professional issues Feedback from Host Schools Different schools offered different opportunities – with aims of both the schools and students needing to be complimentary Feedback from Students (post) Perceptions & Re-Evaluation, revisiting expected values, gaining of confidence, development as a reflective practitioner

11 ‘The international experience developed my cultural understanding’ ‘I think this has positively developed my teaching styles and creativity, enabling me to be a more effective teacher’ ‘I feel that in taking part in this international placement my confidence in general has greatly improved and I feel far better equipped to develop a meaningful understanding of children from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds who may be in my classes in future’ It is my belief that although learning about another education system was an extremely worthwhile experience, it is perhaps more important and valuable to gain a deeper knowledge of a child’s family, cultural and religious background in order to have a greater, more positive influence on the education with which you can provide them’. ‘It made me brave’

Bibliography Alvesson, M. and K. Sköldberg (2000) Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research. London: Sage. Crossley, M., and K., Watson, (2003). Comparative and International Research in Education: Globalisation, Context and Difference. London and New York: Routledge Falmer. Cushner, K., and Mahon, J, (2002). Overseas Student Teaching: Affecting Personal, Professional, and Global Competencies in an Age of Globalization Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 6, No. 1, (2002) DCSF (2007) Guidance on the Duty to promote Community Cohesion DfES:Aiming High: Raising the achievement of minority ethnic pupils, DfES (2003) Minority Ethnic Attainment and Participation in Education and Training: The Evidence - Bhattacharyya G., Ison L. and Blair M. Demie, F. (2001) Ethnic and gender difference in educational achievement and implications for school improvement strategies, Educational Research, 43(1), 91–106. Denzin N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. (Eds) (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hayden M. C. & Thompson J. J. (1997) Student Perspectives on International Education: a European dimension Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 23, No. 4,

13 Miles, M. Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis Sage QAA (2007) Code of Practice on Placement Learning (QTS) standards nding/achievementdiversity/core.aspx nding/achievementdiversity/core.aspx Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes (Cambridge,MA,. Harvard University Press). Wellington J (2000) Educational Research: Contemporary Issues and Practical Approaches Continuum, London. Yin R. K. Robert Kuo-Zuir (1994) Case Study Research; design and methods (2 nd Ed.)

Discussion Points Sustainability Ethical Implications/Impact Suggestions/Experiences