Complex, Cool, Smart & Athletic Is Me.
MY FUTURE ! In a few years from now I can see myself attending Morgan State University and getting a degree in sports management. After collage I will find a job & I will own my own business. I can see myself modeling in New York on days I don’t have to work and I can see myself in a orange land rover with a wife and kids living in New Jersey some where with a nice size house & a couple of more cars.
Baltimore Ra v ens
Neptune high school is the school I came from. We jus got an Olympic size pool in the back & a turf field in the back of the school. This school is a good school and is know for a good football & basket ball team. The girls basketball team won states this year & the boys won last year.
SELF RELIANCE What was your favorite theme ? My favorite theme is self reliance. How can this theme relate to your life? This theme can relate to me because I am very independent about the things I do. What Valuable Lessons did you take from this theme? I learned that maybe advice isn’t a bad thing to listen to and you should take it when it ‘s given to you.
I like to go shopping and staying in fashion.
I was born on November 4 th 1993 at Jersey Shore Medical Center. I like playing football & enjoy listening to music. I like going to parties an having a good time. I’am big fan of the LA Lakers & the Baltimore Ravens. I dislike Lebron James & the Cowboys. I am the second oldest out of 5. I have 2 brothers & 3 sisters.
Rest In Peace ShakuurKayvon