The First World War Boys and Girls! War Savings Stamps Poster by James Montgomery Flagg 1917-18.


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Presentation transcript:

The First World War Boys and Girls! War Savings Stamps Poster by James Montgomery Flagg

2 The First World War: War involving nearly all the nations of the world What? When?

Nation Nation- a group of people who share a common language, religion, history, and traditions A nation does NOT always refer to a country with land and boundaries. This is the definition of a state. Because many states had people of different ethnic groups, conflicts developed. 3

4 The First World War: Who? Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Russia France Great Britain Italy Japan United States (1917) Central Powers:Allies:

5 The First World War: Why? Long term - 1. Alliance system 2. Imperialist competition 3.Militarism - Stockpiling of weapons 4.Nationalism Short term - Assassination of Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria and his Wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg one hour before their deaths, June 28, 1914

Nationalism Created competition among states both military and imperialistic. Alliances formed for protection The two biggest causes were these alliances and nationalism and are considered long term causes. 6

7 The First World War: Where?

8 Why did it take so long for America to get involved in the war? America was isolationist and wanted to remain neutral. “Why should I get involved in someone else’s problems”

9 Which side should the US pick? 11 million German- Americans Irish-Americans hated Great Britain Close cultural ties especially with Great Britain Shared transatlantic cables (so censored stories) Big business loaned much $ to allies Central Powers:Allies: US Exports to both sides:

10 What did it take to get the US involved? 1. Blockades Britain blockaded (stopped) all German ships going to America Germany announced a submarine war around Britain Y-53 German Submarine 1916

11 What did it take to get the US involved? 1. Blockades In May, 1915 Germany told Americans to stay off of British ships They could/would sink them

12 What did it take to get the US involved? 1. Blockades Lusitania torpedoed, sinking with 1200 passengers and crew (including 128 Americans) Was eventually found to be carrying 4200 cases of ammunition German Propaganda Justifying Lusitania sinking

13 What did it take to get the US involved? 1. Blockades The US sharply criticized Germany for their action Germany agreed not to sink passenger ships without warning in the future Note in Bottle After Lusitania Disaster

14 What did it take to get the US involved? 2. Unlimited Submarine Warfare 1917 Germany announced “unlimited submarine warfare” in the war zone Why? Otherwise their blockade would not be successful

15 What did it take to get the US involved? 3. Zimmerman Note US intercepted a note from Germany to Mexico, It promised Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back in return for an alliance Intended to keep the US out of the war so the Germans would only have to worry about European nations.

1916 Presidential Election Woodrow Wilson running for reelection using the slogan, “He kept us out of war.” When Germany goes back to sub warfare he goes to Congress and asks for a declaration of war to “make the world safe for democracy.” Puts out his 14 Points Peace Plan including freedom of the seas, end to secret treaties, arms reduction, a League of Nations, and the right of people to determine their own form of government. 16

17 What did it take to get the US involved? Zimmerman Note + the sinking of 4 unarmed American ships led to a declaration of war GERMAN RETURN TO UNRESTRICTEDS UBMARINE WARFARE!

18 How was the war looking for the allies? Russia left the war after its communist revolution in 1917 Made it a one front war for Germany - all its troops could concentrate on France US enters the war in Not Good...

19 Convincing the American People Posters - Gee!! How do you think this poster helped to convince the American people that the war was a good idea?

20 Convincing the American People 1. War to End All Wars (AKA The Great War Idealism: 2 Goals For War: 2. Making the World Safe for Democracy

21 Convincing the American People Idealism: Fourteen Points What? President Wilson’s Plan for after the war Fourteen promises, including freedom of the seas & a League of Nations to work for peace President Woodrow Wilson

22 What did the US do to help? US provided the food, money, and fresh troops needed to win the war American Troops March Through London Supplies:

23 How did the War Affect the US? Women Women filled factory jobs May have led 19th Ammendment after the war (Gave women the right to vote) Black soldiers still served in Segregated Units African Americans “Great Migration” - thousands of African Americans moved North to work in factories

24 How did the War Affect the US? Enforcing Loyalty Hatred of all things German Ex. “Liberty Cabbage”, stopped teaching German in schools, discrimination against German immigrants or people of German descent. Espionage Act 1917 & Sedition Act of 1918 punished those against the war (many labor leaders) Schenck v US court case ruled that in time of war rights, such as freedom of speech, could be limited for the cause of keeping the country united and for morale of those fighting as well as those at home.

25 Propaganda in the War Victory Gardens War bonds Enlistment Poster

End of War  November 11, 1918 (11 th day of 11 th month, at the 11 th hour)  Armistice Day  Now Veteran’s Day 26

I. Wilson’s Peace Plan- the “Fourteen Points” A. Wilson did not want to punish Gernany but Britain and France did B. “Peace without Victory” 1. End of secret alliances 2. Freedom of the seas 3. Self-determination 4. League of Nations 27 Peace After WWI

League of Nations  Organization to settle world disputes  Treaty never ratified by US Senate (Feared it would lead us into future conflicts – would limit Congresses power to determine when and if to get involved in future conflicts)  Wilson travels the US to get support  Has stroke and spends the last year of his presidency an invalid. 28

Countries had conflicting goals  France and England got what they wanted- Germany was punished  Forced Gemnany to take full responsibility (War Guilt Clause)  Germany had to pay reparations  Germany lost land to France and lost its colonies  Army and navy size severely reduced- just enough to protect themselves if needed 29