College of Business and Law Graduate School A progress report June 6 th, 2012
History 2005: Creation of the College of Business and Law Nov. 2010: creation of the post of head of the graduate school January 2011: creation of the graduate school Since June 2012, 4 staff committee validates decisions on the research side
Ambitions To provide support to the research programmes of the College, their students and the staff involved To actively organise events dedicated to Graduate Education and research To consolidate the research ethos of the CB&L disciplines To provide a platform for establishing a strong reputation for CB&L as a research entity
Activities Dedicated fact finding activities Web site Seminars / events Support schemes Participation in UCC level Graduate Studies activities
Fact finding Surveys and round table events research supervision (March & June 2011) access to research funding (May & September 2011) Excellent participation from staff Reports on the web site
Supervision The pool of supervisors at PhD level is still limited, especially in the Business area, partly due to number of staff without PhDs. Only a small proportion of supervisors have been supervising for more than 5 years, and most have only supervised one to two students to completion. Average number of student per supervisor is around 2.5 A significant number of supervisors have more than 5 students Staff are generally happy to supervise, but see obstacles: workload, priorities / impact on other roles, funding, attracting and recruiting the right students. Solutions: better promotion of PhD opportunities in CB&L and UCC and availability of competitive scholarship opportunities. Concerted action at the level of CB&L is the most favoured solution Graduate studies development not straightforward: increase capacity + attract better students
Web site Ready to launch Focal point for disciplinary material Collaboration from all departments Will be used to create added momentum around research related events in the College at large
Events Preparing the viva voce (March 25th, 2011) The academic career (June 3rd, 2011) Induction seminar 2011 / 2012 graduate students (October 6th, 2011) Sven Carlsson (Lund Univ., Sweden) “Critical Realist Information Systems Research in Action”, November 4th, Writing the literature review (December 2nd, 2011) Preparing the IRCHSS application January 19 th, 2012 (co-organised with Grad School CACSSS) – following on the seminar on Dec 13 th, Doctoral Showcase preparations Daniel O’Leary (Univ. Southern California, USA), “Blog mining-review and extensions: From each according to his opinion” (June 8 th, 2012) Graeme Shanks (Univ. Melbourne, Austraia) – PhD research: experiences from Australia (June 20 th 2012) “staff working on their PhD” event – TBC (following up workshop on Dec. 16 th, 2011) Writing the literature review (2) – TBC Preparing for the viva voce (TBC) Patrick O’Donovan (UCC), Comparing in research (TBC) Sebastian Green (UCC), Psychoanalysis as a method for research in Business (TBC)
Schemes 1&2: conference support for CB&L staff and PhD students 37 awards to 22 staff & 15 PhD students (or 17 and 20) across 7 departments 40 papers presented Over 10 of these were PhD students’ first research presentation 9 in IRL. 13 UK, 14 Rest of Europe, 4 Rest of the world Several awards Conversion rate conference to journal
Scheme 3: Invited Speakers 6 awards to 3 different departments Most awards involve a number of speakers Most funded events leveraged multiple sources of funding
Graduate Studies at UCC Meeting with other Heads of Grad Schools Staff writing PhD task force Structured PhD task force
Conclusion The CB&L graduate school has momentum but it is starved for attention Strong response to events Some response to traditional research metrics Collaborative approach is paying off But the platform is not being leveraged to the full, particularly for the traditional GS agenda