Skilling up the health and social care workforce Christine Collymore 25 th February 2010
introduction Who we are? What we do? How we benefit the workforce? Resources available
Who we are? Sector Skills Council Adult social care workforce East Midlands area Work streams
Our mission is to improve: - employers' confidence in the competence of their workforce - employees' confidence in their own knowledge and skills - service users' confidence in the quality of service they are receiving.
What we do? Employer voice People who use services and informal carers involvement Work with a range of stakeholders Projects Disburse funding
Working to Put People First Leadership Recruitment and retention Workforce remodelling and commissioning Workforce development Joint and integrated working Regulation and raising standards
Workforce pathway Career pathway e-tool Induction Standards National Occupational Standards Core principles and competences Knowledge sets National Minimum Data Set – Social Care Accolades
Links to specific groups People People who use services Informal carers Paid and unpaid workforce Organisation Conditions Dementia End of life care Long term Autism Learning disabilities Older age
Methods of engagement Case studies Leaflets/briefings Website Conferences Newsletters Consultation Toolkits/practical guides Training directory Practical support
Thinking and Planning Opportunity to look at the range of resources Talk to your neighbour about the relevance for your team or organisation Discuss and feedback how you will take this further after today
Supervisors and workers To inform supervision Identifying learning and development needs Workers To support their continuing professional development Commissioners As an indicator or measure of services or organisations with whom they contract. Possible uses of resources
Service managers To ensure that workforce planning and development is integral to their activities. To develop multi-disciplinary practice and procedures. Education and training providers Checklist to ensure match provision with staff needs Checklist for curriculum design and delivery, and link to wider occupational standards. Possible uses of resources
Thank you Any questions?