Lesson Planning Methods of Teaching
Objectives: Explain why lesson planning is important. Define lesson, lesson plan, and daily plan. List and explain the phases of a complete lesson. Develop a complete lesson plan.
Why is Lesson Planning Important? Forces us to think through WHAT we want the students to learn. Forces us to think through HOW we will teach it. Allows us to decide in advance what equipment, supplies, and materials we will need to assemble for the class. Provides structure for both teacher and students. Increases likelihood that learning will occur.
What is a Lesson? A planned set of learning experiences Designed to produce a specific learning outcome May be very brief or extend over several class periods Built around a single Terminal Leaning Objective or set of closely related TLOs
What is a Lesson Plan? Teacher’s written scheme to: prepare for deliver, and evaluate instruction Detailed enough to provide a clear set of directions for a person knowledgeable about the subject Includes teaching aids needed for the class Normally outline - not manuscript
What is a Daily Plan? TO DO Brief list of things to do in a particular period or block. Refers to lesson plans, announcements, major activities, etc. Seldom used again Writing it down is a good idea.
Phases of a Lesson Set Induction Instruction Closure Those activities intended to prepare the students for instruction. Instruction Teacher and student activities and content intended to provide the opportunity and maximize the probability that the student will accomplish the learning objective(s). Closure Activities intended to assess student learning and maximize retention
Phase 1: Set Induction Interest Approach Context Advance Organizers
Interest Approach Get students’ attention Promote interest in the lesson Promote a desire to learn the material Focus students’ minds on the task at hand. Quick, clean, related to lesson.
Sample Interest Approach For a lesson on insecticides: Bring a bag into the class and drop it loudly on the table Ask students “What is the world’s most effective insecticide?” After a couple of answers, remove two bricks and picture of insect from the bag. Smash insect between bricks. Ask, “Is this effective?” Yes. “Is it realistic?” No. “Are there more effective ways to manage insect populations?”
Context REVIEW. Relate this lesson to the logical flow of the class. Your class arrived at this lesson from somewhere. USE QUESTIONING to provide a quick review to reinforce previous learning. Relate this lesson to the logical flow of the class. Explain how the lesson fits into the students’ lives Check to be sure students have prerequisite knowledge.
Sample Context Yesterday we studied insect pests you will encounter in the garden. What are some of the common garden insects in this area? How do you recognize them? At what level does an insect become economically destructive? Do any of you have gardens at home? Why is it important that we study insecticides?
Advance Organizers For a performance-based lesson, this is your objective(s) For a problem-solving lesson, this is your anticipated questions/problems. CLEARLY inform students of your objectives. Promote an understanding of what performance is expected as a result of the lesson.
Sample Advance Organizers Write on board before class Read and interpret labels on insecticides List and discuss 5 most common garden insecticides used in this area Point out and briefly explain the objectives after the review of yesterday’s class Act excited about the subject. If you are not interested, why should they be?
ACTIVITY Assume you are teaching a unit of instruction -- personal finances for example -- and that you are preparing for your next lesson, such as maintaining a check register. In cooperative work groups: Develop a terminal learning objective for your lesson. Analyze it to develop enabling objectives. Outline your: Interest Approach Scheme for providing Context Advance Organizers One work group will report results to the class for discussion and critique
Phase 2: Instruction CONTENT METHODS What the student is to learn Outline for teacher use in lesson METHODS How to deliver the instruction Teacher Activities AND Student Activities
Content Knowledge (Cognitive) Skills (Psychomotor) Attitudes (Affective) Determined by Enabling Objectives Content is inclusive of TLO TLO is inclusive of content Provides “Learnable bites” of material, one piece at a time Content
Methods Activities in which the teacher engages to teach the class Activities in which the students engage to learn the content Accounts for diverse learning styles Maximizes probability that learning will occur Maximizes retention Provides for partial reviews and application exercises throughout
ACTIVITY In your cooperative work groups, outline the CONTENT of your lesson started earlier. Develop METHODS outline Teacher Actions Student Activities Provide for active learning Provide for application and repetition One work group will report results to the class for discussion and critique
Phase 3: Closure Review Summary/ Conclusion Evaluation Context
Review Massed review of content Use questioning to assess student understanding Repetition improves retention
Summary/Conclusion So what? Why should the student remember this? What does this have to do with the student’s world? Where will he or she see & use the information? What are the most important points to remember?
Application In-class exercise Homework Project SAE FFA event Use in a lab project
Sometimes combined with the review in the form of oral questioning Feedback to determine what changes teacher needs to make Determine how well learning has occurred May be used for normative assessment (improvement) May be used for summative assessment (grading) Sometimes combined with the review in the form of oral questioning Evaluation
Context How will this class relate to tomorrow’s class? To future lessons? To future lab activities? What will the class be on tomorrow? What homework is scheduled?
ACTIVITY In your cooperative work groups, outline for the lesson you started: Review Summary/Conclusion Application Context One work group will report results to the class for discussion and critique
What Goes in a Lesson Plan? Preliminaries - planning items necessary for the lesson Body - plan for actual delivery of lesson
Lesson Plan Preliminaries Lesson Title Prepared By Time Required (Est), Date Prepared Terminal Learning Objective: Enabling Objectives References Equipment, Supplies, Materials Administrative Announcements SOL(s) Addressed by This Lesson:
Lesson Plan Body Set Induction Phase Instruction Phase Closure Phase Interest Approach Context Advance Organizers Instruction Phase Content Methods Closure Phase Review Summary/Conclusions Application Evaluation S O U N D F A M I L I A R ? ? ?
Plan Format To locate the blank lesson plan format and a handout used in this course go to
Plan Evaluation To locate the blank evaluation form for lesson plans go to
Go forth and write lesson plans… So What? Go forth and write lesson plans… Plan 1 (Draft) is due