Student Mental Health: We can All Make a Difference Patricia Mirwaldt, MD Cheryl Washburn, PhD
Overview How health concerns impact UBC students academic performance The link between mental health and student success An ecological model of student mental health context A campus wide student mental health promotion plan
Lower grade on exam/important project; lower grade in the course; Incomplete or dropped course; Significant disruption in thesis/research or practicum work.
Last 12 months diagnosed/treated: Anxiety WomenMen No90.6%95.6% Yes, diagnosed but not treated3.4%1.4% Yes, treated with medication2.4%1.5% Yes, treated with psychotherapy1.5%.6% Yes, treated with medication and psychotherapy1.8%.7% Yes, other treatment.3%.2% Last 12 months diagnosed/treated: Depression No90.1%95.1% Yes, diagnosed but not treated2.9%.9% Yes, treated with medication2.8%1.6% Yes, treated with psychotherapy1.7%1.2% Yes, treated with medication and psychotherapy2.0%1.2% Yes, other treatment.4%.0%
Within the last 12 months, any of the following been traumatic or very difficult to handle: IssueUBC UndergradsReference Group Academics5443 Intimate relnship30 Finances3035 Social relnship2423 Family problems2527 Career2720 Pers. appearance2021 Health problem2015 Sleep difficulties2523 Reference group: publically funded research intensive, 20k+ students NCHA participants fall 2009
Within the last 12 months, Have any of the following Affected Your Academic Performance IssueUBC UndergradsReference Gp Stress36%26 Sleep difficulties2419 Anxiety2417 Internet Use2412 Depression1410 Extracurricular149 Work1514 Finances87 Cold or flu2417
In the last 12 months have you experienced any of the following? FeelingUBCReference Group Hopeless5145 Overwhelmed8885 Exhausted8779 Very lonely6257 Very sad6660 Overwhelming Anxiety 5146 So depressed difficult to function 3428 Overwhelming anger 3937 Considered suicide66 Attempted suicide11
Why Does Student Mental Health Matter? Eisenberg et al(2009): depression is a significant predictor of lower GPA and higher probability of dropping out. (Hysenbegasi et al (2005): a significant, negative association between GPA and untreated depression (whereas treated depression is not associated with a significant difference in GPA). Andrews & Wilding (2004): depression (but not anxiety) measured midway through the second year is negatively related to exam scores at the end of the second year. Ratner et al(In press): students’ perceived ability to manage their stress could significantly reduce depressive symptoms.
UBC Policies and Practices Academic Work Staff and Faculty Residence Resources and Facilities Social Connections Politics Family Finance Events Culture Community Health Systems Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Jobs/Careers Social Skill Building No Stress/Robust Resilience Mental Health Treatment Support In Coping &
Three Tier Mental Wellbeing Model Needing Mental Health Treatment Needing Support in Coping & Skill Building Able to Cope Well; Resilient
Mental Health and Wellbeing Cross Functional Team Interim Report March 30, 2010
1. UBC POLICY Unit policy review/revision Academic concession policy Mental Health leave policy Strategy: Targeting All Students
2.SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT Reinforcement and reward initiatives that support connectedness Social Space standards First Year Learning Communities Strategy: Targeting All Students
3. MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS Mental Health Awareness: increase awareness of relationship between mental health and academic success Academic plan Orientation Strategy: Targeting All Students
4.EDUCATION & TRAINING New Faculty and Staff Training Mental Health First Aid Faculty and Staff Handbook Frontline Advisor Student Leader Training Target: Needing Support in Coping & Skill Building
5. EARLY ALERT SYSTEM Protocol development Student System to track data Behavioral Intervention Team Coordinated training Target: Needing Support in Coping & Skill Building
6. SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS Online resources: interactive online resources to increase resilience Coaching Target: Needing Support in Coping & Skill Building
7. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES Triage system to increase initial access to Counselling Resources to manage increased demand for follow up Counselling Streamline Hospital Emergency, RCMP, Counselling and Psychiatry referrals Target: Needing Mental Health Treatment
Student Mental Health Assessment Environmental Determinants Assessment Assessment