Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward August 2007 A Vision for the Future: Oklahoma’s Career Clusters Design November 2010
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Objectives Explain why career clusters are important to students. Explain use of Oklahoma Department of Career Tech Instructional Framework. Incorporate reasons for changes to the career clusters frame into articulation agreements. Use the Health Science Cluster Framework when developing articulation agreements.
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Purpose Our challenge Our solution When?
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Why? Our economy is changing to: Technology-driven Knowledge-based Global Increased employer demands
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Why? Supports 6 Major Initiatives Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development The Alliance Initiative The new Carl Perkins Legislation No Child Left Behind Achieving Classroom Excellence EDGE (Economic Development Generating Excellence)
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward TraditionalCareer Clusters ApproachApproach Vocational Education Technical skills Trained for a few jobs In lieu of academics/college Program-focused Entry-level preparation CTE Technical skills and academics For many careers Aligns with and supports academics 16 clusters, 85 pathways Industry-focused to create pathways for career advancement
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Our Solution A model that: Fits our mission to help Oklahomans succeed in the workplace, education and life Prepares students for a broad range of career options: Employment Technical and postsecondary education Lifelong learning Increases our ability to meet industry expectations
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Our Solution Adopts the national career clusters framework consisting of 16 clusters and defined pathways Adds components unique to Oklahoma Career majors (332) Courses (over 1500 unduplicated) Allows us to become industry-focused, student-centered, and performance-driven
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Our Solution A new instructional framework Extensive professional development Revised core business processes
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward New Instructional Framework Realigning existing programs to a sequence of courses (career majors) based on industry-identified: Knowledge Skills Credentials
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Programs to Courses Using the Career Clusters Model
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Health Science Therapeutic Services Dental Assistant Dental Office Procedures Practice General Office Procedures Instructional Framework
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills A career cluster is a grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. A career cluster represents the knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, that all students within the cluster should achieve regardless of their pathway.
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Sixteen Career Clusters The Career Clusters icons are being used with permission of the States’ Career Clusters Initiative, 2007.
Health Science Cluster
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Health Science Cluster
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills A pathway is a more narrow grouping of occupations and broad industries within a career cluster. The pathway represents the knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within a pathway - ranging from entry level to management, including technical and professional career specialties.
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Pathways HL - Health Science Career Cluster HL005 - Biotechnology Research and Development HL002 - Diagnostic Services HL004 - Support Services HL001 - Therapeutic Services
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills A career major is a model sequence of courses or field of study that prepares a student for a career and ensures that: Integration occurs between academic and occupational learning; Transitions are established between secondary schools and postsecondary institutions; Students are prepared for employment in a broad career cluster; and Students receive a skill credential.
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Emergency Medical Technician- Paramedic - Career Major
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills A course is an instructional unit that includes a set of defined competencies, a syllabus or course outline, and a measure of accountability, evaluation, or assessment. A course may be occupational, exploratory, academic, foundational, or competency development.
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Paramedic Assessment Based Management - Course
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Knowledge and Skills are specific work tasks performed on the job. They are large enough tasks to be valued in and of themselves, and they are measurable and observable.
Cluster Pathway Career Major Course Knowledge & Skills Knowledge & Skills Paramedic Assessment Based Management
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Revising Core Business Processes CareerTech Information System (CTIS) Programs to courses transition Accreditation and evaluation standards Financial aid requirements Performance measures Career major approval process CareerTech rules Funding structure
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Revising Core Business Processes Professional Development Communication and Marketing Carl Perkins IV
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward When Did This Happen? Summer Conference Dedicated to Communications and Professional Development Regarding Career Clusters and CTIS: August 2007 Communications, Professional Development and Technical Assistance: Ongoing Schools develop their instructional frameworks: March 2007 – January 2008 & have been using since
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Helpful Websites Oklahoma’s Career Cluster Website
Oklahoma Career Clusters… Moving Oklahoma Forward Questions?