HOMOPHOBIA: Effects on Homosexuals
a. Internalised Oppression Jen & Family Adopted Children & Racism An Adoptee talks about Racism
Urban v Rural Majority of LGBT people in media tend to be white, middle class, men living in urban areas with access to a social scene and support services Many LGBTs live in rural areas and small towns where there are no support services. They can be very isolated Also more complicated for people who experience multiple oppression
Bisexuality Some people identify as bisexual as part of the coming out process before accepting they are lesbian/gay; Bisexuality is an orientation in itself – according to Kinsey, significant proportion of population are bisexual; Subject to biphobia of both heterosexual and homosexual communities
Transgender Issues Coming out process different, some identify at first as gay then later as trans; Can be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual; Higher levels of mental health problems; Best to bring in specialist trainer on trans issues; Information on GALYIC website (support, coming out, other publications).
Cass’ Identity Model: handout 1.Identity Confusion 2.Identity Comparison 3.Identity Tolerance 4.Identity Acceptance 5.Identity Pride 6.Identity Synthesis
Internalised Racism & Disableism Two short extracts from television programmes These emphasise the similarity of dealing with ‘spoilt’ identities.
Identity Development: Friend’s Model Older LGBs – Stereotypical Option – Passing Option – Optimal Affirmation
Stereotypical Option Conformed to negative beliefs Hid sexual orientation Lived with shame, self-loathing, guilt Alienated, lonely, depressed Secrecy: hid all or parts of themselves from family and friends Created wall of separation and distance Contact with family minimal and superficial Distanced from other lesbians and gays Unlikely develop support from lesbians and gays to challenge negative images
Passing Option Little less isolation, not totally accepting negative views Believed heterosexuality superior but marginally accepted same-sex orientation Not fully accept as felt valued for what others expected them to be rather than for who they really were Often heterosexually married Remained married and closeted to pass Keep distance from identifiable lesbians and gays If in link-up with one, did it in such a way as to still appear heterosexual Lived in two worlds: public, secret: emotional costs often high
Optimal Affirmation Outcome Grew up in hostile environment, but rejected negative images and adopted positive identity Some through personal and political activism Likely to be open with and accepted by families of origin Encourage family to challenge homophobia Attained high psychological adjustment Research tends to reflect this group as most visible
External Oppression Isolation – Friends, – Society – Other LGBTs School – Bullying : majority experience or witness – Isolation – Alienation – few positive role models Homophobic abuse on the streets Family – Pressure to conform – Verbal, physical, mental and sometimes sexual abuse – Rejection
Combined Effects Mental Health – Depression – Anxiety/Phobias – Self harm/suicide – Eating disorders Alcohol/drug misuse Homelessness Risky sexual behaviour – Prostitution – Promiscuity – Pregnancy – HIV infection – Vulnerable to exploitation (sexual abuse) Inaccessible services
Mediating Factors Coming out with support Family acceptance and support Accurate information Positive role models Peer support
Sixteen GALYIC dvd for Department of Health
CONTINUED MINORITY STRESS 1.Discrimination; 2.Assault; 3.Verbal Abuse; 4.Witnessing Homophobia
1. Discrimination Feelings of sadness and anxiety Feelings that life is unfair and difficult
2. Assault Feelings of personal loss Rejection Humiliation Depression
4. Verbal Abuse Difficult to understand emotional aftermath Minimise feelings experienced Agitation Restlessness Sleep disturbances Headaches Diarrhea Deterioration in personal relationships
5. Witnessing Homophobia Increased depression Anxiety Post-traumatic disorder symptoms Reinforced internalised oppression Increased fears for one’s safety