Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU [1] Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Generating and developing ideas: Show curiosity and explore everyday stimuli.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU [1] Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Generating and developing ideas: Generate imaginative ideas and possibilities.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU [1] Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Generating and developing ideas: Develop and begin to combine a variety of imaginative ideas, possibilities and alternatives, including those of others.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU [1] Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Generating and developing ideas: Develop and combine a variety of imaginative ideas, possibilities and alternatives.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU [2] Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Show surprise at unexpected outcomes.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Describe errors and unexpected outcomes.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Begin to make use of errors and unexpected outcomes.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Make use of errors and unexpected outcomes.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Value errors and unexpected outcomes and see the opportunities they present.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Valuing errors and unexpected outcomes: Build on unexpected outcomes as well as successes to re- evaluate.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Entrepreneurial thinking: Favour the familiar when presented with new ideas.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Entrepreneurial thinking: Begin to experiment with own and others’ ideas.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Entrepreneurial thinking: Experiment confidently with own and others’ ideas.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Entrepreneurial thinking: Begin to take risks with ideas, going beyond the conventional.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP Entrepreneurial thinking: Take calculated risks with ideas, weighing up potential pros and cons.
Datblygu Meddwl: DATBLYGU Developing Thinking: DEVELOP