Sleep changes (insomnia to hypersomnia) Appetite changes (loss of to over eating) Arousal changes (lethargic to manic)
Emotional Sensitivity (blunted to hyper) Concentration/attention usually decreases Academic performance usually decreases (anorexia is usually an exception)
Because many disorders share similar symptoms, it is important to get a professional assessment. Most conditions respond very well to psychotherapy/ counseling and many also respond well to medications. A combination of medication and counseling is usually the best option.
Disruption Feelings Behavior
Family Issues Death, separation, long-term unemployment, illness, abuse, frequent moving, alcohol/drug abuse
Peer Relationships Poor peer acceptance, being an outsider, lack of physical development, fear of relationship with opposite sex, bullying, sexual identity issues
School Issues Pressure for good grades Starting a new school Failing at a sports team/club
Low Self Esteem Isolation Trapped Withdrawn Lonely Depressed Apathy Guilt Fear ◦ Of abuse ◦ Of intolerable conditions
Delinquency Eating Disorders Truancy Drug/Alcohol Use Running Away Sexual Activity Social Withdrawal Suicide Attempt
Many sources can create the same symptomatic behavior. The same symptomatic behavior can be a part of multiple diagnoses. For example poor concentration can be caused by ◦ anxiety ◦ depression ◦ PTSD ◦ substance abuse ◦ insomnia
Many behavior signals are typical of “normal adolescent behaviors.” Diagnosis comes through professional referral.