NEEDS ASSESSMENT & TRAINING Produced by Dr. James J. Kirk Professor of HRD
What You Will Learn The meaning of systems, performance, needs, assessment, and training The relationships between performance and training needs assessment Basic steps in conducting a needs assessment
Systems A systems is a set of individual parts (elements) that function as a whole. Each part receives inputs from other parts and elements. In return each part produces outputs that serve as inputs to other elements.
Business Systems Contain Elements Such As.. Financial Resources Human Resources Raw Materials Production Processes Technology Customers Management
A Business System Must Perform A business system must perform its mission (ie., fulfill its purpose and achieve its goals). A business systems performance is measured in terms of desired outcomes.
Some Desired Outcomes Make a profit of $5 billion Gain 70% of the market share in the sale of athletic apparel Become recognized as the leader of quality in their industry
Performance Analysis Organizations secure, allocate, and distribute resources (inputs) they believe will enable them to achieve the desired outcomes (perform). They constantly measure inputs and outputs throughout the business system (performance analysis). When measured outcomes fall short of desired (targeted) outcomes, the result is a performance gap.
Performance Gaps Organization Level Team or Department Level Individual Employee Level Desired Performance Actual Performance Gap Gaps in performance can appear at various levels.
Causes of Performance Gaps Standards are set too high Poor management Insufficient resources Poor operation systems Unskilled workers
Training Needs Analysis When there is a gap in an employees job performance (or groups performance) and the cause of the performance gap is probably a lack of knowledge, skill, understanding, or experience, a needs assessment may be in order.
Conducting A Needs Assessment 1. Identify what knowledge, skills, and or understanding an employee (group) needs to know, do, or solve in order to perform.
Conducting A Needs Assessment 2. Measure what knowledge, skills, and or understanding an employee (group) currently knows, can do, or solve.
Conducting A Needs Assessment 3.Compare what knowledge, skills, and or understandings an employee (group) currently knows, can do, or solve to what they need to know, do, or solve. Are there any gaps?
Gap (Objectives-Centered) Needs To Be Able To Do To Perform The Job Competency Gap Currently Able To Do To Perform The Job
Gap (Experience-Centered) Needs To Understand To Perform The Job Conceptual Gap Currently Understands To Perform The Job
Gap (Opportunity-Centered) Capable Of Becoming To Perform The Job Is Becoming While Performing The Job Growth Gap
Remember! Human resource development is the integrated use of training and development, organizational development, and career development to improve individual, group, and organization effectiveness.
The Scope of HRD Includes Training and development Organization development Career development
Training & Development Includes Training (Learning to improve performance on current job) Education (Leaning to improve performance in a new job in the very near future) Development (Long term learning that is not job related)
The 45 Caliber Test Many managers believe that training is the solution to all performance gaps. Before doing a formal needs assessment, one trainer should ask managers, If you held a 45 caliber gun to this employees head, could she/he perform the job. If the answer is yes, no needs assessment is performed.
Three Approaches To Getting Employees To Change Their Behavior
Coercive Makes use of threats by more powerful employees/owners.
Persuasive-Rational Makes use of sales tactics to convince people to change.
Normative Re-Educate Encourages and helps individuals make informed decisions to change their behavior. Trainers favor this strategy.
Needs Assessment Training needs assessments involve careful and systematic research into what employees need to know, do, and understand to perform on the job. Depending on circumstances in the workplace, many research approaches and designs are used.
Reasons For Needs Assessments When done properly, needs assessment procedures enable organizations to deliver only needed training.
What You Have Learned The meaning of systems, performance, needs, assessment, and training The relationships between performance and training needs assessment Basic steps in conducting a needs assessment