Sustainable Consumption and Production Working Group: Practical application Strategies and Tools
Working group motivations to generate ideas - of sustainable solutions for SCP develop a practical real life example for SCP… - applying relevant strategies & tools
Developing Practical Examples introduction group exercise present deliverables discussion
Key Deliverables Action Plan –outline key elements and put into a system with a tentative timetable –Checklist: indicators, partners, boundaries, general characteristic values produced, local specificity and environmental, social, economic qualities.
Focus for Deliverables Strategies: –product focus – making existing products better and more resource efficient; –results focus – producing the same outcome in different ways; –needs focus – questioning the need fulfilled by the object, service system, and how it is achieved.
EXAMPLE 1 (fictitious) Washing machine
Example: Introduction Your country is facing serious environmental problems related to industrial pollution. One significant polluter is the washing machine industry. It has not seriously incorporated the aspects of sustainability into their production processes and consumption patterns.
New insights On the other hand, recent research on risk assessment and life cycle analysis reveals that most of the environmental impacts of a washing machine occurs in home (during the use).
Imagine this Situation Studies from the National Institute of Environment give evidence of eutrophication in many rivers and lakes, which is caused by the phosphates in detergents.
NGOs... Consequently, there are some NGOs and consumers organisations protesting against water pollution, and planning some boycotts against the detergents industries. They are raising awareness on the need to protect the environment.
Multi-stakeholder dialogue As a result; the government has decided to have a multi-stakeholder dialogue to assess this situation; and develop a strategy to make the function of washing clothes sustainable (including both production and consumption sides).
Stakeholders involvement. Identify the key actors/partners that need to be involved in the multi- stakeholder dialogue.
Life Cycle Analysis Revise and complete (if necessary) the lifecycle analysis diagram.
Life Cycle of a Washing Machine
Life Cycle of Detergents
Production Patterns Identify the sources of waste generation. What are the consumption patterns of the industry? Suggest possible cleaner production measures.
Product Analyse the product characteristics. How could the product be more environmentally friendly (eco-design)? How would you inform consumers about the green qualities of the product?
Consumption Patterns Analyse the current washing behavior of the individuals that might have an impact on the environment and society? Suggest sustainable washing actions (sustainable washing behavior).
New Sustainable Ideas Develop new ideas for more sustainable ways to provide the function of washing cloths (move from product to service).
Solution & Strategy What is the solution strategy? What would be the role of each actor in the strategy to make washing cloth more sustainable? –which kind of regulations, economic instruments, information, tools and methodologies are needed? –who should deliver them?
Monitoring and Implementing What are your indicators of sustainability? What are the potential economic; environmental and social benefits? What are the first steps to start the implementation of this strategy?
News Flash (during working group session)
National Institute of Environment Household consumption patterns: a study from the National Institute of Environment presents scenarios for the 2020, showing that the ownership of electronic appliances per household is increasing. By the 2020 it is expected that 74% of the households will have a washing machine. Currently; around 12% of the water, and 8% of the energy in homes is used for laundry.
LC Newsletter International market welcome the European Eco-label for washing machines. The eco-label has encouraged companies to develop more efficient washing machines, reducing 20% of the energy use and 30% of the water consumption compared to the old machines in 1997.
SC Newsletter Consumers are more aware of the environmental impact of their consumption and are looking for more sustainable products like eco-efficient washing machines and biodegradable detergents.
The European Wash Right Campaign (the detergent industry initiative)
Presentation of Group Work
EXAMPLE 2 (fictitious) Tooth brush
Working group motivations to generate ideas - of sustainable solutions for SCP develop a practical real life example for SCP… - applying relevant strategies & tools
Example: Introduction Redesign a toothbrush (cleaner production) and to look at the longer term marketing strategies (sustainable consumption)
What is the problem? Consumer NGO: “We need toothbrushes, but the conventional toothbrush poses more environmental threat than necessary!” Everything we use has an environmental impact. We just don’t usually think about it. How much does each weigh? How many per year are used? How many resources are used? What is the total waste “problem”?
Solve the problem and improve the profitability of the company Develop a process flow diagram looking at the life cycle of the toothbrush. Including inputs and outputs. See where the biggest environmental impacts are. The categories of change possible include: –Change in raw materials –Product redesign (including packaging) –New distribution methods
Imagine this Situation The toothbrush company has received a letter from a retailer that is interested in the new environmental toothbrush idea, but they have expressed the concern that the toothbrush needs to meet also security and health requirements. 1.What should the toothbrush company think about? 2.Design a better product 3. Develop a target market for the toothbrushes and a marketing “pitch” for the toothbrush company 4. Present this “brief” to the other participants.
Presentation of Group Work