The ABCs of Acculturation PSYC 338
Acculturation refers to the changes that result from continuous first hand intercultural contact
Affect - Stress and Coping Behaviour- Culture Learning Cognition- Social Identification ABCs OF ACCULTURATION
GROUP LEVEL VARIABLES INDIVIDUAL LEVEL VARIABLES SOCIETY OF ORIGIN Political Context Economic Situation Demographic Factors MODERATING FACTORS PRIOR T0 ACCULTURATION Age, Gender, Education, Pre-acculturation Status, Migration Motivation, Expectations Cultural Distance (Language, Religion, etc.) Personality (Locus of control, Flexibility) GROUP ACCULTURATION Physical Biological Economic Social Cultural SOCIETY OF SETTLEMENT Attitudes MC Ideology Ethnic Attitudes Social Support Larger Society Ethnic Society Acculturation Experience Life Events Acculturation Experience Life Events MODERATING FACTORS DURING ACCULTURATION Phase (length of time) Acculturation Strategies: Attitudes & Behaviours Coping: Strategies & Resources Social Support Societal Attitudes: Prejudice & Discrimination Appraisal of Experience Stressors Appraisal of Experience Stressors Strategies Used Coping Strategies Used Coping Immediate Effects Stress Immediate Effects Stress Long Term Outcomes Adaptation A Long Term Outcomes Adaptation A Stress and Coping Model of Acculturation
PREDICTORS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION l Life events l Stress appraisal –Expectations and experiences – Level of stress l Coping styles l Personality l Social Support and intercultural relations
Life Events- Acculturation Experience Social Readjustment Rating Questionnaire (Holmes & Rahe) New line of work Change in residence Change in living conditions Change in social activities
Appraisal Expectations and Experiences of Asian Students in New Zealand Expectations ( N = 150) Experiences (N = 67) Be able to understand New Zealand English 80% 57% Be able to express myself effectively in English 77% 40% Get good grades 87% 28%
Expectations and Experiences of Asian Students in New Zealand ExpectationsExperiences Form friendships with New Zealanders 91% 41% Enjoy socialising with New Zealanders 82% 52% Understand New Zealand social customs 82% 34% Be accepted by New Zealanders 72% 37%
Expectations and Experiences of Asian Students in New Zealand ExpectationsExperiences Maintain a positive outlook 88% 69% Feel stressed 31% 49% Have enough money 62% 51% Have no problems with my living arrangements or accommodation 59% 70%
Expectations and Experiences of Asian Students in New Zealand ExpectationsExperiences Maintain a positive outlook 88% 69% Feel stressed 31% 49% Have enough money 62% 51% Have no problems with my living arrangements or accommodation 59% 70%
Students whose expectations are “undermet” experience more depression and more social adaptation difficulties during the first six months of study in New Zealand
Appraisal Stressful Academic Experiences Asians (N = 44) Europeans (N = 46) Didn’t understand assignment or lecture* 73% 24% Didn’t know how to complete assignment 68% 30% Didn’t know what was expected of me in class* 56% 43% Worse mark than expected* 51% 20%
Stressful Academic Experiences AsiansEuropeans Could not keep up with school work* 46%4% Did not get help needed from tutor* 39%4% Unable to work well with classmates* 24%2% Treated unfairly by teacher*17%7%
Coping Strategies * Approach (planning, active coping) * Avoidance (denial, venting) * Primary (direct, task oriented) * Secondary (cognitive reframing)
Personality Big Five:Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Conscientiousness Agreeableness Others: Locus of control
Factor Depression SingaporeAustralia Neuroticism.49**.59** Extraversion-.24**-.21** Openness Agreeableness-.29**-.22** Conscientiousness-.36**-.29** PERSONALITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ADAPTATION
PERCEIVED AVAILABILTY OF SOCIAL SUPPORT % Who agreed one or more persons would do this for me (N = 280 ) StaffCo- nats NZers Give assistance with communication or language problems 89%80%62% Help you deal with rules and regs 91%75%77% Provide information to help you in your new settings 90%76%81%
PERCEIVED AVAILABILITY OF SOCIAL SUPPORT StaffCo-natsNZers Tell you about available choices and options 90%71%75% Show you how to do something that you didn’t know how to do 83%82%80%
PERCEIVED AVAILABILITY OF SOCIAL SUPPORT StaffCo-natsNZers Listen and talk with you when you feel lonely or depressed 64%85%62% Share your good times and bad 42%81%67% Comfort you when you feel homesick 42%78%55% Accompany you to do things42%85%66%
Greater perceived availability of social support is associated greater psychological well-being and better social adaptation in international students
---- Desired amount of contact ---- Actual amount of contact ASIAN STUDENTS (N = 114) WITH CO-NATIONALS Academic activities (e.g., Studying) Never | | Often Social or recreational activities (e.g., spending time with friends clubs, sports, eating out) Never| | Often
---- Desired amount of contact ---- Actual amount of contact ASIAN STUDENTS WITH NEW ZEALANDERS Academic activities (e.g., Studying) Never | | Often Social or recreational activities (e.g., spending time with friends clubs, sports, eating out) Never| | Often
EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STUDENTS (N = 66) ---- Desired amount of contact ---- Actual amount of contact WITH CO-NATIONALS Academic activities (e.g., Studying) Never | | Often Social or recreational activities (e.g., spending time with friends clubs, sports, eating out) Never | | Often
EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN STUDENTS (N = 66) ---- Desired amount of contact ---- Actual amount of contact WITH NEW ZEALANDERS Academic activities (e.g., Studying) Never | | Often Social or recreational activities (e.g., spending time with friends clubs, sports, eating out) Never | | Often
Contact with New Zealanders European students x Asian Students Equal Status o x Unequal Status Involuntary x oVoluntary Superficial x oIntimate Pleasanto xUnpleasant Cooperative o xCompetitive
More contact with host national students is associated with better psychological adjustment better social adaptation better academic performance more satisfying relations with host nationals less perceived discrimination
CULTURAL FACTORS * Cultural Distance * Acculturation Category * Acculturation Strategy
Important Factors * Accurate expectations * Stress appraisal * Coping styles * Adequate language ability * Access to informational and emotional support * Frequent and satisfying interactions with NZ students
APPLICATIONS * Selection * Ensuring realistic expectations * Fostering equal status intercultural contact * Ensuring social support networks * Counseling and coping styles