Qualitative Analysis A qualitative researcher starts with a research question and little else! Theory develops during the data collection process. Theory is built from the data or grounded in the data. Theory is built by making comparisons – e.g.: observe an event and look for similarities and differences.
Grounded Theory It is a widely used approach in qualitative research. Uses a systematic set of procedures to develop an inductively derived theory about a phenomenon. It is a method for discovering a new theory. The researcher compares unlike phenomena with the view to learn similarities. It seeks theory that is comparable with the evidence. Pursues generalisation by making comparisons across social situations.
Conceptualisation Qualitative researchers form new concepts or refine concepts that are grounded in the data. 1. They analyse the data by organizing it into categories on the basis of themes, concepts or similar features. 2. They develop new concepts, formulate definitions and examine the relationships among concepts. 3. Concepts are then linked together as opposites or as sets of similar categories which are then made into theoretical statements.
Coding Coding is an integral part of qualitative data analysis. It is guided by the research question and leads to new questions. Two functions – mechanical data reduction and analytic categorization of data. Three types of coding – open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Researcher would use a different coding on three occasions and so code the same raw data in three passes.
Open Coding Performed at first pass through recently collected data. Locate themes and assign initial codes or labels. Attempt to condense the mass of data into categories. Note critical terms, key events or themes by writing a preliminary concept or label at the edge of the record. Can use brightly coloured ink. Be open to finding other themes! Make a list to build a universe of all themes in the study, which then needs to be reorganised, sorted, combined, discarded or extended in further analyses.
Axial Coding Second pass through the data. Begin with an organised set of initial codes and focus on these codes/themes more than on the data (unlike open coding). Note any additional codes or new ideas that may emerge during this pass. Review and examine initial codes and start organizing ideas or themes and identify the key axis of key concepts in analysis. Look for linkages between categories. You may drop some themes or examine others in depth.
Selective Coding The last pass through the data. Major themes of data have been identified. Involves scanning the data and previous codes. Selectively look at cases that illustrate themes and make comparisons and contrasts. Concepts are now well-developed so you seek to organise your analysis around several core generalisations or ideas. The major themes guide your search.
Reporting the Media Analysis Assignment: What is the background to the topic for analysis? What is the research question? Description of the data. Description of the coding process. Observations/findings. Implications and discussion. Conclusions.