1 A Model of Within-Households Travel Activity Decisions Capturing Interactions Between Household Heads Renni Anggraini, Dr.Theo Arentze, Prof.H.J.P. Timmermans Presented at DDSS ’06 Conference, 4-7 July 2006, Heeze, The Netherlands Urban Planning Group Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) The Netherlands
2 Activity-based approach Travel is derived from the demand for activities that individual needs to perform Sequences or a pattern of behavior is the relevant unit of analysis, not individual trips Household and other social structures influence travel and activity behavior Spatial, temporal, transportation, and interpersonal interdependencies constrain activity-travel behavior Activity-based approach reflect the scheduling of activities in time and space
3 ALBATROSSALBATROSS Albatross: A Learning-based Transportation Oriented Simulation System (Arentze and Timmermans, 2000) One of the fully operational activity-based models Developed for the Dutch Ministry of Transportation, Public Work and Water Management as the operational system for transport demand forecasting Two major components defining a schedule for each individual for fixed and flexible activities Decision tree as a formalism to model the heuristic choice
4 Limitation of Albatross Household decision making process is not fully captured in terms of: Activity allocation Task allocation Car allocation Joint travel Activity participation
5 ObjectivesObjectives To elaborate and expand Albatross in the context of household level decision making focusing on maintenance activities and related travel
6 Choice Facets Activity generation Task allocation Trip-chaining Resource allocation and Mode choice
7 Activity Generation The model predicts the maintenance activities conducted in a household for a given day The result is a description of activities performed at the household level for a particular day The activities are a selection of an exhaustive list of maintenance activities considered by households
8 Task Allocation m1m1 m2m2...mnmn P1P1 x 11 x 12...x 1n RT 1 = x 11 + x 12 +…+x 1n P2P2 x 21 x 22...x 2n RT 2 = x 21 + x 22 +…+x 2n CT 1 = x 11 + x 21 CT 2 = x 12 + x CT n = x 1n + x 2n T = RT 1 +RT 2 Table 1. Matrix representation of task allocation pattern Table 2. Example of task allocation matrix pattern m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 P1P P2P
9 Trip-chaining choices Trip-chaining decision as a choice between yes/no linking a given pair of activities. The existence of other activities (if any) take into account Trip-chaining choices description: 1/3
10 Trip-chaining choices Every ij pair of trip-chaining variables must meet the following logical constraints: c ij = c ji If c ij =1 and c jk =1 then c ik =1 (for every 3rd activity k) If c ij =0 and c jk =0 then c ik =0 (for every 3rd activity k) m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 O1O1 O2O2 O3O3 m1m m2m m3m m4m O1O1 100 O2O2 10 O3O3 1 Table 3. Matrix representation of activities performed 2/3
11 Trip-chaining choices m1m1 m2m2 m3m3 m4m4 O1O1 O2O2 O3O3 m1m m2m m3m m4m O1O O2O O3O Table 4. Matrix activities performed to identify # of tours 3/3 Identify the activity combinations 1.m 1, O 1 2.m 2, m 4, O 3 3.m 3 4.m 2, m 4, O 3 5.O 1, m 1 6.O 2 7.m 2, m 4, O 3 1.m 1, O 1 2.m 2, m 4, O 3 3.m 3 4.O 2 The possible activity combinations P1P1 P2P2 P1P1 P2P2
12 Resource Allocation & Mode Choice Households classification can be grouped into: Drivers > Cars Drivers = Cars Cars > Drivers No cars Some variables take into account (gender role, work status, income, & complexity of the activity agenda,etc)
13 Some factors influencing resource allocation and mode choice: The activity-travel conducted either jointly or independently If one agent does not use car, the other agent can freely use Both agents possible choose not to use the car Mode choice set assigned to # of tours scheduled for the household-day: Resource Allocation & Mode Choice
14 Decision Trees Some methods oC4.5 : Information Gain oCART : Gini-Index oCHAID : Chi-Square
15 Overview properties of Tree Induction Algorithms PropertyC4.5CARTCHAID Type of splitsmultiwaybinarymultiway Allow groupings of attribute values yes Can handle continuous var. yes no Split criterionInformation gain ratioGini-indexSignificance value of chi- square Use growing/pruning strategy yes no Use different cases for pruning noyes Pruning criterionPredicted number of errors Misclassification cost complexity of the tree
16 Further Research Involving all activities, not only maintenance activities Expanding it into much broader choice facets such as travel participation and activity participation, duration of time, time of day, and route choice Estimating the empirical analysis by using decision tree induction method
17 ConclusionsConclusions The system explicitly describes what maintenance activities perform and who performs which task The organization of activities in trip chains resulting in the number and activity composition of tours that each agent carries out during the day Modeling resource allocation and mode choice allow a better integration of various facets in activity-travel decisions
18 Thank you for your attention
19 Review of Existing Approaches Srinivasan, S., and Bhat, C.R., (2005). Investigating the in-home and out-of-home maintenance activity generation by examining the duration time invested by male-female household heads. Zhang, J., Timmermans, H., Borgers, A., 2005 Investigating the task allocation and time use spent by male and female Ettema, D., and Van der Lippe, T., 2006 Investigating the household heads interaction by using three hypotheses: traditional role expectations, higher qualified job, low accessibility etc