Children, Young People & Families forum 18 April 2013 Phil Mawhinney Policy & Participation Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

Children, Young People & Families forum 18 April 2013 Phil Mawhinney Policy & Participation Officer

1)! Southwark council launching new Innovation Fund for children & family services 1. News & updates Wed 24 April, 1-5pm, Tooley Street CYPF services, including children with SEN o Launch of Fund – criteria, dates etc. o Personalisation workshop – to help orgs offer and deliver services in new environment Booking essential! CAS website

2)Children & Young People’s Plan Refresh of the plan nearly done (subgroup contribution Oct) Council currently identifying themes, priorities and principles from 1,000 Journeys evidence Consultation late April/May Draft by May, Cabinet sign-off June Forum response to consultation? Workshop, by , meeting with council?

3)Safeguarding – free training & new government guidance Free council workshops, April to end of year o E.g. new technology, emotional abuse, race/faith Book via My Learning Source Contact E-safeguarding programme New statutory guidance, 15 April Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE) guardingchildren/protection/a /consultation guardingchildren/protection/a /consultation Clarifies legal requirements. Responsibility of ALL professionals.

4)Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Replaces CRB checks. Website includes guidance on when to run a DBS check barring-service barring-service CAS training – Thurs 2 May, 2-4pm, Paul Winyard (Volunteering England). Book on CAS website. 5)Children & Families Bill SEN, adoption, children in care, parent/adopter rights, flexible working Published, going through parliament (Commons committee) Accepting written evidence: 13/childrenandfamilies.html /childrenandfamilies.html

2. The Troubled Families programme in Southwark Howard Jones, Strategic Project Lead Southwark council

3. Sector Reps & Healthwatch What will Reps do? Listen to the concerns, needs and strengths of the sector, through attending subgroups and other meetings. Communicate these to the council and other bodies via strategic partnerships. Inform the sector fully of key policy developments, threats and opportunities.

Subgroups now ‘forums’ Representation structure Southwark Voice 25 Reps 1. Children, Young People & Families Forum 2. Adults Health & Social Services Forum Council-VCS Liaison Group 6-8 Reps e.g. Children & Families Trust e.g. Older people’s partnership board Themed Reps: Housing Communities Equalities e.g. Troubled Families e.g. Safeguarding Children Board

1. 60 minCouncil/CCG etc. updates, learning min Reps outline headlines from latest strategic partnerships min Attendees meet Reps in clusters to hear report + discuss concerns/issues etc minInformation + networking 2 hr 30 min Forums From July – 2.5 hours, time dedicated to Reps What do you want at forums?

Know your Reps Adult health & social careHousing, communities, other Jacky Bourke-WhiteOlder People's Partnership BoardIan ReddingSafer Southwark Partnership (tbc) Susan Underhill Julie Corbett-Bird Housing Strategic Partnership - working groups Verinder Mander Catherine Evans Lisa Greensill Safeguarding Adults Partnership BoardBella Campbell Learning Disability Partnership Board Gordon McCulloughHealth & Wellbeing BoardVerinder Mander Joan Baxter Mental Health Programme Management GroupCarol Nwosu Carers' Strategic Forum is under review Stephanie Correia Sally CauserEqualities Rep Andrew Rice Engagement & Patient Experience GroupEileen ConnCommunities Rep Sharon KitsonMulti-Disciplinary ForumNicholas OkwuluCommunities Rep Rev Fred Osei AnninHealth (HIV) Rep Phil Mawhinney ProActive Southwark (sports + physical activity) Children, young people & families Natalia SaliChildren & Families TrustHazel SaundersTroubled Families Carolyn MartinCorporate Parenting CommitteeGillian ReeveSchools Forum Carolyn MartinSafeguarding ChildrenEilette Andrew-ThomasYouth Rep Florence Emakpose Child Sexual Exploitation subgroup

TrainingDateTime Conflict management and mediation on your boardSat 20 April10 – 4.30 Transformation Fund Launch & Personalisation Workshop Wed 24 April1 – 5 Influencing policy, influencing the councilWed 1 May9.30 – 12 Do you know about the changes to CRB checks? Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) explained Thurs 2 May2 – 4 Service-user involvement (Co-production) – An opportunity to deliver real change Wed 8 May10 – 1.30 Date change! Master class in Commissioning & Procurement moved from 9 May to 4 June

Phil Mawhinney Policy & Participation Officer, CAS Contact