Depression By: Eugenia Aldape
What is depression? Depression is a emotion or feeling that is felt for a period of time, that can harm you physically, mentally and emotionally.
How it works? The eyes of the boy look like he is hurt. The eyes of the boy look like he is hurt. The colors of the photograph are faded away. The colors of the photograph are faded away. The picture is lonely on has the boy. The picture is lonely on has the boy.
How it works? 1.The picture is in black and white, that show that there is no emotion that it down or blue. 2.The eyes of the girl are about to burst out with tears. 3.That crackling smile that he has that something is wrong and that she is keeping something in side.
How it works? 1.The shadows, show that the person is in a dark place and does not know how to get out of it. 2.The deepness of the tunnel the man is in, shows that he has not been happy for a long time. 3.Also the bright light of the end of the tunnel, show that at the end there will always will be a way out and that you have to make an effort.
Hurt The song Hurt is relate to the emotion of depression because of this three reasons. 1.He is expressing him self that his life has been an empire of dirt. 2.He says that he lets every body down or get them hurt, because all of the mistakes he has done in his life. 1.That he regret what he has became, because he dose not want to lose more people in his life.
Mad World The song Mad World is relate to the emotion of depression because of this three reasons. 1.The singer is telling about how he feels the world is with him, that every thing is cruel, harsh and mad. 1.It telling about how every day you wake up with the same emotion that life is dissatisfying and disappointing. 2.He is telling us about how he wants to escape his life because all of his problems.
Quote Is quote got me the idea that the one that write this had depression, because depression is when your sad angry unhappy with the world because of what some body did to you or said to you. So this shows that people are more powerful an getting hurt physically.
Sources Images Images 1.depression, teen depression, pain, suffering, tunnel Photograph. 123rfWeb. 27 Jan Jo Rapini, Mary. Depression, Teens, and Facebook Photograph. TOTS TO TEENS MAGAZINEWeb. 27 Jan Wilbanks, Amy. Natural Treatment for Depression and Emotional Eating Photograph Jan Songs Songs 1. Cash, Johnny. "Hurt." The Downward Spiral Recorded April compact disc, 2. Jules, Gary. "Mad World." The Hurting. compact disc, World. Quotes Quotes 1., ed. " 93 Depression Quotes and Images from Social Media." healthshire. healthshire. Web. 27 Jan