22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL General Machine Timing FAIR Just a few slides….
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Timing FAIR General Machine Timing System based on White Rabbit fairly cheap: € 800,- SPEC board sub-ns synchronization distribution of (clock) time-stamps timing-events BEL group one global timing master clock derived from BuTiS Talk T. Fleck, FAIR Technikforum Bunch phase Timing System (BuTiS) invest € 15k per receiver station ps precision (100ps/km accuracy) distribution of clocks!!! NO time-stamps at FAIR NO timing-events HF group one global BuTiS center Talk P. Moritz, FAIR Technikforum Remark: If you are interested time-stamps, you need White Rabbit. If you are interested in the most accurate clocks, you need BuTiS. If you are interested in both, you need both.
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL General Machine Timing System FAIR parallel execution of beam production chains cycles: 20ms to hours trigger and sync. equipment actions 1 µs precision in 99% of all cases few ns precision for kickers (few ps for rf-systems: BuTiS) many rings > 2000 devices connected to timing system large distances robustness: lose at most one message per year
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL GMT – Idea set value (schedule) set values (ramp) 1.SM transmits set values 2.DM executes schedule by broadcasting timing events 3.FTRN schedule actions 4.timely execution of action (here: send IRQ to CPU) 5.Generate ramp via equipment interface timing events LSA
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL GMT – Interfaces FrEC
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL GMT – Data Master UNILAC SIS18 SIS100 HESR beamline
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Settings Management – Data Master SM generates set value for DM: schedule and alternatives (decision tree, domain specific language) SM sends set value to FESA class of DM FESA class uses a library for on-the-fly –source-code generation for soft-CPUs –cross-compilation of soft-CPU codes –uploading codes to soft-CPUs codes specific to schedule rather simple code
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Simple Machine Specific Soft-CPU Code while (state == PRODUCTION) { /* one cycle: BPC1 */ if (IL(BPC1) != OK) cycle1_planB(); else { waitsync(BPC1, INJ_SIS100, timeout); cycle1(); } /* one cycle: BPC2 */ if (IL(BPC2) != OK) cycle2_planB(); else { waitsync(BPC2, INJ_SIS100, timeout); cycle2(); } /* repeat cycle: BPC2 */ if (IL(BPC2) != OK) cycle2_planB(); else { waitsync(BPC2, INJ_SIS100, timeout); cycle2(); } not shown: beam processes error handling beam request on/off IL check during cycle execution SIS100:
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL m no loosely coupled machines 1 timing master 2 switch layers at TM 4 cables to each building then: distribution to floors then: distribution to rooms redundant links between switches optical or copper links to nodes nodes 5 layers of switches (18 ports) in total
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Timing Master to Nodes – Message Types Timing-Events – synchronizing actions Info-Telegrams– transmission of (float)-values, e.g. beam-intensity “Action-Events” –Commit – switching between FrEC registers containing different set values. –Post-Mortem – “freeze” or “unfreeze” ring buffers in FrECs –Reset – reset a crashed FrEC –Rollback – “undo”?
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Nodes to Timing Master – Message Types Forbidden! … except a few specific cases… Fast beam request from local areas (experiments…) via dedicated local interface units managed by BEL Bunch-to-bucket transfer (transfer between ring machines)
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL Network and Nodes Network: Talk by Maciej and Cesar Nodes: In-Kind contribution by Slovenia
22 March 2012Dietrich Beck - BEL The Plan Finalize “WR Starter Kit” Timing System v0.0 – experimental, but 24/7 (2012) Timing System for p-Linac test in Saclay (Beginning 2013) Test: replacing MIL-timing of SIS18 + ESR ( 2014) …