SENSITIVITY SENSITIVITY VS. CALLOUSNESS Perceiving the true attitudes and emotions of those around me.
Sensitivity is a character quality that has been lost in selfishness. THE LOST CHARACTER Sensitivity is a character quality that has been lost in selfishness. Lost in a busy world. Lost in a dysfunctional environment.
Not many, we are to busy taking care of how we feel. Question? How many of us take the time to see and care for the things that are going on around us? Not many, we are to busy taking care of how we feel.
How can we change? Start to look around: Pay attention to others, how they look, their facial expressions, tone of voice, any change in habits, funny behaviors. How are they doing at work. Do they seem depressed or upset. Check to see how you respond to their need, this will measure your sensitivity.
What else can we do? Ask the questions and listen to the response carefully. How are you? “oh, just fine.” What does this say to you? Choose the right words in response so as to be sensitive to their feelings. “If there is anything I could do to help you, let me know.” Don’t push any questions that they are not ready for.
How else can we change? Discern: Put yourself in their shoes, this will allow you to walk with them rather then boss them. When do we confront a person? When should we be quiet? Should we talk to someone else about this?
Identify with them Sensitivity demands that we listen and try to identify with their situation. Arguments are futile. Laughter can be an insult and demeaning. A loud voice can instill fear. Identify: Grief, fear, depression, stress, scared, or happy. React accordingly.
React Do what you can do. Be careful not to be attached to the results so it doesn’t effect your work or home. Be careful not to be sucked into a lie. Watch for inconsistency in their story before reacting to the need. Ask questions, get all the information you need to determine an answer, a solution.
How do we know? Who are these people? If a person is depressed? If a person is grieving? If a person is stressed out? If a person is lonely? If a person is mad or angry? Group participation: What are the signs?