Keep calm Stay cool Your marketeer is here ICM Bodrum, 24 th October 2014
Workshop introduction Workshop aim: To improve and develop new ideas, break the traditional standards of promotion within S&C High quality projects Hard working officers Deservs more credits
Struggles in organization of International events
SLS – The discussion Which summer Law Schools are most ”famous” in ELSA these days? What is NOT working at the moment? How can be the ELSA Network invloved in the promotion?
SLS – Working Groups define characteristics (Opportunities) How can we brand SLS? How to promote SLS as unified project?
Delegations – Working groups What are the main selling points of ELSA Delegations? (Opportunities) What have you done for promoting ELSA Delegations in your group? Challenges of the promotion
International events – The discussion What are the main selling points of international events? (Opportunities) How do you promote international events? How can we support each other in promotion?
Promotion TIMELINE SLS Delegations