RISK & CAPACITY INVESTMENT INCENTIVES IN ELECTRICITY MARKETS Peter Jackson Department Of Management University Of Canterbury
Outline My research topic/motivation Investment Optimal Plant Mix Hydro/Strategic concerns Contracts/Portfolios Market Structure/Solutions
My research….. Evaluate the impact of investor risk on investment decisions Explicitly deal with impact of Hydro risk Strategic behaviour Deterrence Outcomes, Solutions Investment/Entry Pricing/Efficiency Market structure Is not finished (hardly started!!!)
Motivation - Do electricity markets deliver appropriate security? Security concerns were to the fore with central planners Central planning proved uneconomic, and often over- investment resulted Electricity markets have been created in an effort to capture economic efficiency But private investors won’t invest unless it is economically justified Private investors face different risks and are investing into a spot market that is susceptible to strategic behaviour
Investment and Prices – Why Invest? Generation plant can be valued (equivalently) as a call option Option value is dependent on pricing Could discount or model risk more explicitly
Basic Screening Curve Analysis Optimal Plant Mix Risk Free Not Strategic Some energy limited plant With shortage costs, fixed costs are recovered in equilibrium
Investment & Risk My research focus is…… Hydro risk Strategic risk But there are significant other risks for investors Reliability Regulatory/Political Demand growth Input prices Technological/Resource Transmission* To a greater or lesser extent all plant faces risks but peaking plant is most vulnerable.
Energy Limited Hydro Energy must be/should be used Inflow quantities determine total energy available Reservoir size and plant rating determines flexibility Inflow sequences are also important Peaking plant may never operate for its true purpose. Being in the optimal plant mix is not the same as being in the dispatch.
Energy Limited Hydro Notional revaluation of fuel and capital cost based on energy available All plant is impacted but peaking plant is worst off
Peaking Plant – Cautious Entry Given hydro variability, how much peaking plant is required? Apart from other issues the investor need to know inflow distribution. What is really important is the PDC, and this can vary for a variety of reasons eg hydro inflows But what if PDC is a result of gaming? (And gaming and hydro inflows are probably related) What is the true underlying PDC? It may be impossible to estimate, especially for an entrant
The Impact Of Risk On Adequacy
Peaking Plant Investment Price and quantity risk from a variety of sources Natural Strategic Hydro generation makes forecasting particularly difficult Not suitable for many standard forms of contract Finance difficult to obtain given risks So how do we get any peaking plant built at all?
Wider considerations…. Standalone entry very difficult But firms have multiple generation plants, and contracts in place = lower risk The impact on the portfolio of assets and obligations is more relevant than the performance of the individual asset Spot market gaming may increase returns above SRMC and incentivise investment Strategic firms will not want to settle contract shortfalls with competitors Deterrence Market structure may (or may not) help
NZ - Market Structure LP Clearance Market design goals Allocative efficiency Productive efficiency Dynamic efficiency NZ Market S.O.E’s & Private investors Energy only market Vertical Integration Hydro influence Few Large customers Wolak Report, 2009
Potential Solutions Tolerate gaming Two part markets Capacity ticket systems Current proposals from taskforce
Contracts and Risk I Consider increasing risk on generators who are unable to cover contractual obligations
Contracts & Risk II Increasing cost of over contracting improves adequacy but this analysis assumes contracts are exogenous What if contracts are endogenous? Equilibirum contract prices will be higher for higher risk Customers will get more security (but pay for it) What is the relative performance of other solutions? Market power (18% - Wolak) Capacity payments (25% - Initial market study) Evaluation required
Future Work required Energy limited plant “MW limited” Dynamic analysis Plant retirement Demand growth Investment Strategic interactions Spot market Cautious Entry Deterrence Complementarity Formulations Evaluate remedies