The Presidency Week 10 Chapter 10 in Wilson
The President Where in the Constitution? Article II How important to Madison and the Founders? 2 nd, after Congress??? Clearly important: Absence of an executive was one of the main problems with the Articles of Confederation.
The President: Constitutional Roles--Article II Commander in Chief Controls the Military Commands in time of war Declares war NOT !!! Power to send in troops has always been a huge source of power Can effectively commit the nation without a declaration of war
The President: Constitutional Roles--Article II Director of U.S. Foreign Relations Conducts all foreign affairs Sends ambassadors Nominates them – confirmed by the Senate Receives ambassadors Negotiates treaties Signs them – ratified by the Senate
The President: Constitutional Roles--Article II Chief Executor CEO: Runs the government Presents and manages a federal budget Entire federal government answers to him Implements legislation Oversees the translation of legislation into policy and procedures Enjoys some degree of discretion in interpreting law – to create detailed policy
The President: Constitutional Roles--Article II Chief Executor Oversees law enforcement Appoints Attorney General Determines policy on when to fight in court to defend laws and when to surrender to claims of unconstitutionality
The President: Constitutional Roles--Article II Head of State Ribbon-cutter in Chief Ceremonial roles: Domestic and Foreign Pardons and reprieves Grant a Pardon Wipe a conviction clean Grant Clemency Lift or reduce sentence for humanitarian reasons Commute a Sentence Reduce a sentence to a lesser level
The President: Informal Roles Cheerleader in Chief Party Leader Spokesman to the World Mourner in Chief National Pastor ???
Presidential Power Sources of Presidential Strength Constitutional Powers Election Mandate -- NATIONAL Personal magnetism and skills Political Party Family: Especially the First Lady Millions of employees: Cabinet Appointees Federal bureaucracy
Presidential Power Sources of Presidential Weakness Constitutional balance Congress’s powers Supreme Court’s powers Personal weaknesses Limited time and limited tenure
Presidential Power Sources of Presidential Weakness Millions of employees Cabinet & appointees Tendency to “go native” Civil Servants Civil service protection Can resist and drag feet
Power Balance: Ascendancy of the Presidency The Framer's Original Intent: Relatively weak leader Carries out the will of Congress on domestic front Strong in international affairs Always constrained by Constitution and Congress
Power Balance: Ascendancy of the Presidency The Power of War Presidents use Commander in Chief role to expand power Lincoln conduced Civil War without Congress Nation tends to rally round the president in times of war Presidents manipulate that rally-round-the- President phenomenon Wag the dog??
Power Balance: Ascendancy of the Presidency The Power of War: Presidents manipulate it? WW II: Roosevelt finally gets his New Deal policies once we’re at war Viet Nam: presidents sidestep Congress to achieve their own goals, build anti-communist credentials Iraq war, Desert Storm 1991: GHW Bush bolsters popularity and seems unbeatable Afghanistan and Iraq war now: GW Bush gained stature and respect as a “War President” that boosted his ratings and won him reelection in 2004
Power Balance: The President Checked War Powers Act, 1973 Passed, vetoed, overridden, Supreme Court challenge – it lives!!! Congress limited the President Requires presidents to consult Congress before any action except in emergency Requires presidents to inform Congress within 48 hours of committing troops President must get congressional approval to keep troops engaged Funding ends in 60 days without Congress’s approval Exceptions and extensions effectively give a president about 120 days to get troops out if Congress won’t comply
Power Balance: The President Checked Watergate Conspiracy and disgrace of Watergate weakened the president for some time
Power Balance: The Tug-of-War Continues... 9/11 and war… Presidential power ascends Patriot Act Wire taps and record searches without warrants Military Tribunals and Geneva Convention Supreme Court reigns in many excesses Democratic victory in Congress
Things to think about: The Vice President The First Lady The Cabinet