2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Succession Federal Bureaucracy Roles and Powers Of the President Impeachment Electoral College
This person succeeds to the Presidency if the President and VP are unable to serve.
Who is the Speaker of The House?
This is what happens happens if an executive officer is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president, if called upon to do so.
What is they are skipped over?
This is the first non-elected official to succeed to the Presidency.
Who is the Secretary of State?
This is what must happen to a cabinet officer before he or she can succeed to the presidency.
What is being confirmed by the US Senate?
This is the method that the Gov’t uses to make sure that some successors are assured survival, during joint sessions of Congress (ex - the State of the Union).
What is taking 2 senators, 2 Reps, 1 cabinet member, and hiding them during the event ?
This is the title of a person who is head of an executive department.
What is a Secretary?
These are agencies that have judicial, legislative, and executive powers over specific industries; they are generally run by a Board of 5 to 7 members.
What is an independent regulatory agency?
Part of the Executive Office of the President, this group advises the president on the economy.
Who are the Council of Economic Advisors?
This is the name of the federal law that protects non political employees of the government from firing, for their political beliefs.
What is the Pendleton Act?
These are the three features of every bureaucracy.
What is / are hierarchal organization (or authority), job specialization, and formalized rules?
This power of the President makes him / her civilian head of the military.
What is Commander In Chief power?
This constitutional power is sometimes abused by Presidents in their last days in office; it lets them clear someone’s Federal criminal record or release them from prison.
What is the Pardon Power?
This is a description of two parts of the President’s diplomatic power (there are 3 parts).
What is / are treaty making, recognition of countries, or running American foreign policy?
This is a description of the Convening power.
What is the power to call Congress back into session?
These are the three “hats” of the president that are not sourced in the Constitution; many consider them the least important roles of the President.
What are Chief Citizen, Head of State & Head of Party?
These are the two Articles of the Constitution that lay out the process of an impeachment and what it punishes.
What are Article I and Article II?
This chamber impeaches the president; the other chamber runs the trial of the president.
What is the House; the Senate?
These are the three things for which a public official can be impeached.
What are treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors?
These are three reasons why judges can be impeached for less serious reasons than presidents.
What are Article III says serve on good behavior OR life term vs. 4 years OR method of selection of judges ?
This modern interpretation of the impeachment was derived from the impeachment of President Johnson.
What is no impeachments over policy differences?
This is the reason why the Electoral College was set up by the drafters of the Constitution.
What is to avoid direct election of the President by the people?
This is the body that votes for the President in the event that no candidate earns a majority of electoral votes after the electoral college vote.
What is the House of Representatives?
This was the Constitutional Amendment that changed the way the Electoral College worked; it was put into place following the election of 1800.
What is the Twelfth Amendment?
These are three successes of the Electoral College system.
What are (1) the peaceable and orderly transition of power; (2) distribution of popular vote across country; (3) candidate must achieve sufficient popular vote; and (4) federalism is preserved?
These are three alternatives to the Electoral College considered by the Constitutional Convention, and a reason why each was rejected.
What are the Congress electing the president, the state legislatures electing the president, or the people directly electing the president?