Risk of HPC Investment vs Return on HPC Investment April 1, 2015 Kim F. Wong Center for Simulation and Modeling University of Pittsburgh
What keeps me up at night? Bugs in Amber Bugs in Superbugs
Science scales (R,r,t) elec (r;R)V(R,{ i }) ({i})({i}) Quantum Classical Continuum Agent-based A(*, kitchen sink)
Relation to humanity scales (R,r,t) elec (r;R)V(R,{ i }) ({i})({i}) Quantum Classical Continuum Agent-based A(*, kitchen sink) mom can appreciate thismom does not know the importance
Risk OI vs Return OI Unable to deliver the promise Flu vaccine prediction. Vaccine is ~23% effective for season. Pandemic modeling. Most modeling examined the impact of the emergence of a virulent influenza strain results suggest stockpiling of antivirals H1N1 pandemic proved mild. Policy makers and modelers got criticized for wasting antivirals ($) and causing panic. Climate models. Computation drug design. Questions: How can we better communicate to the general public on the limitations of modeling and simulation and yet still get investment in our pursuits? Are we trying too hard (promising too much) to create ROI? What is the balanced metric for measuring ROI and relating what we do back to humanity?