-The Point: The “mystery of godliness” is explained as the gospel message, and then contrasted with false teaching concerning the truth. -The Memory verse.


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Presentation transcript:

-The Point: The “mystery of godliness” is explained as the gospel message, and then contrasted with false teaching concerning the truth. -The Memory verse (Due today): I Timothy 3:16 -The Assignment (due next week): First of all, write down two observation statements about the “mystery of godliness” (see your notes), Secondly, in this context of scripture, identify the 2 actions that the truth sets believers free to do, and contrast that list with the lies that false teachers say a person shouldn’t do. Identify any people or organizations that teach the lies spoken of here. I Timothy Week 9

This would have been a good place for Chapter 4 to start. –Chapter and verse divisions were inserted by people many centuries after these letters were written. Paul is clear that he hopes to come and see Timothy soon. –He would then talk to Timothy in person about the “standards” and “guidelines” for church ministry that he spelled out in chapters 2 and 3. This points us to the seriousness of these standards and guidelines for the church. –Paul wasn’t going to chance not being able to teach Timothy about these things (in-case he didn’t get to visit him). –That is why they appear in this letter. It was important to Paul that Timothy know how a church ought to function and how Timothy ought to lead it. –Because it is God’s church (so it must follow His rules) –Because it is “the pillar and ground of the truth” The church that teaches God’s truth (from the Bible) needs to function as God desires or they forfeit their role. I Timothy 3:14-15

“Without controversy” = obviously. –What he was about to say was already a widely accepted teaching of the early church. Great is 3173, megas = –large; of quantity or degree, loud, intense, violent, important. “Important” is the thrust in this passage. “The mystery of godliness” –This is the same term (mystery) used in verse 9. “The mystery of faith” –This seems to be a reference to the belief that someone has in God. –Godliness could be called “holiness” so it fits to say… Important is the faith that leads to holiness. I Timothy 3:16 a

Paul finishes this thought by describing the important things that believers have faith in: * Jesus came in the flesh. –This speaks of Christmas day! –This also acknowledges that Jesus was pre-existent. * “He was “justified in the Spirit.” –Jesus came in the flesh but rose in the Spirit. –He was glorified in the Spirit. At the Mount of transfiguration At the resurrection from the dead * He “was seen by angels.” –Jesus’ birth was attended by angels. –He was ministered to by angels. –The angels watched Jesus’ entire life. * He was “preached among the Gentiles.” –Peter started with Cornelius. –Paul continued the work. * He is “believed on in the world.” –Acts 1:8 has been lived out. * He has been received up into glory. –Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God. Heb. 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2 Each of these ideas takes faith to believe. –They are all important to believe in. GREAT IS THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS! I Timothy 3:16 b

“The Spirit expressly says” –Expresssly = 4490, rhetos = clearly Paul received a clear message from the Holy Spirit concerning the “mystery of godliness” explained above. Here it is: –In the latter times there are going to be people who depart from the faith. When are the latter times? Depart = 868, aphistemi = –to leave, withdraw, abandon, to revolt, mislead This is a general statement about how the “people” will be misled or will ignore the truth. –It must be noted that the deception, leading people away from the truth, comes from the demonic world. Eph 6:10-13 I Timothy 4:1

Demonic deception in the lives of people:Demonic deception in the lives of people: 1) Lying joined with hypocrisy1) Lying joined with hypocrisy –It always seems that lying produces hypocrisy 2) Searing of a person’s conscience2) Searing of a person’s conscience –This relates to the good conscience spoken of in regards to faith This is either rejecting saving faith or not allowing your faith to determine right from wrong in your life. I Timothy 4:2

Demonic deception in the lives of people:Demonic deception in the lives of people: 3) Forbidding to get married3) Forbidding to get married –Anytime marriage is described as a bad idea, this goes against God’s plan. 4) Commanding to abstain from foods4) Commanding to abstain from foods –There is no food that is inherently evil. Since Acts 10:9-16, there are no dietary restrictions. Acts 15:22-29 helps us to remember that we need to avoid being a “stumbling block” in our freedom. I Timothy 4:3

This verse helps us to see that the scriptures do not teach that Christians need to be vegetarians. –If someone chooses to not eat meat that is his business, but it’s not a scriptural requirement, and it doesn’t make him more “spiritual” or “pleasing to God” if he is a vegetarian. There are many groups of people who abstain from meats or other foods so they can “please” God. This is simply false teaching, and according to this passage the idea comes from demons! All food is to be “received with thanksgiving.” –This is the reason we pray before we eat. To thank God for His provision of the food All food is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer –All food has been made acceptable for us to eat because of what God has already said about it (Acts 10:9-16). The prayer of thanks is important and is part of this phrase. –There ought to never be a time when we eat and forget to give thanks to God. »For sanctifying it »For providing it I Timothy 4:4-5

-There is one gospel message and one belief system that is of the truth.-There is one gospel message and one belief system that is of the truth. -There are many doctrines of demons swirling around in our culture today.-There are many doctrines of demons swirling around in our culture today. -We need to be careful not to get caught up in anything but the truth.-We need to be careful not to get caught up in anything but the truth. Week 9 Conclusions

1) Be careful not to follow the demonic deceptions in our culture.1) Be careful not to follow the demonic deceptions in our culture. -Tell the truth and flee from hypocrisy-Tell the truth and flee from hypocrisy -Guard your conscience -Guard your conscience -Support marriage-Support marriage -Eat up! (don’t forget to pray)-Eat up! (don’t forget to pray) Week 9 Challenge