YES, LORD! 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him we say,Amen!”
2012 Birthdays & Anniversaries JUNE 6/10 – Juan Estrada 6/13- Melodyia Coleman Erin Gibson
Sundays 9:30amCorporate Prayer 10amMorning Worship Wednesdays 7pmMid-week service
Saturday, June 23 Heritage Duck Pond Park Pavilion (900 S. Ellison Drive, SA, TX 78245) 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
NOW ENROLLING!...Call Ages: 6 weeks to Pre-K Before & After School Care Summer Program (School Age) *Limited Space
CAFÉ 9:23 CASHIER SERVERS U SHER/GREETER TEAM USHERS GREETERS If Interested, Please contact Min. Michelle Rankin, Member Svcs
Home Address Home and/or cell # E- Mail address Marital Status Please contact Min. Michelle Rankin, Member Svcs
7pm Adults are studying the entire book of Romans Everyone Freely Welcome!
AddressNameDepartment Derrick ThomasPastor Kwajalein ThomasCo-Pastor/Executive Dir. Linda RankinChurch Administrator Michelle RankinMember Svcs Director Deacon Johnny RankinDeacon Chair Sis. Tiffany RankinPastors’ Assistant Tressa McKenzieOffice Assistant Min. Issac GriffieMusic & Youth Director Care Staci BeaneWebmaster Church staff may be contacted via their addresses or (210)
FAITH WORSHIP CENTER Church Office Mon. – Fri. ** 9am-3pm
Min. David Jordan Will be inducted into the Senior Non Commissioned Officers Corps J W Marriot June 23, 7 P.M. Congratulations
MEN OF INTEGRITY RSVP TO (210) Or OPEN TO ALL MEN Invite a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member
2 nd Annual Men’s Conference: Please contact Deacon Eliot Mills “The Role of Men in Church, Leadership in the Church, and Building Strong Christian Men” Come Join us for worship and the celebration of Jesus Christ and brotherhood. Friday, June 15, 7:00 pm Saturday, June 16, 6:00 pm
Mark 9:23 “…if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believes”