About me project Brandon Sepulveda Period MM
Main Menu Future plans Family and Background Personal goals Interest/Hobbies Menu This project,as the title would suggest,is about me and who I am. It includes what my interests,personal goals, family and background are along with my future plans are. This project took a lot of effort to make. Hopefully you will find this project as interesting as I found it.
Family and Background As you maybe able to guess I was born in Redlands California and I was raised here my whole life. As a result this city has grown on me on an emotional level. When I was about 2 or 3 years old my dad divorced my mom because of financial reasons but I still get to see him every other weekend.By the time I was born most of my family on my moms side have died of cancer so I never got to really know them. However on my dads side I got to know most of my relatives. My grandpa once worked at Redlands high school as a custodian for many years until he retired and my uncle works for the secret service. At one time they all lived here in Redlands but one day they decided that they wanted to move to somewhere cooler so they moved to San Luis Obispo. Still some of my relatives decided to stay for other reasons that I do not know about.Redlands MM
Future Plans MM For most of my life I have been living in very poor conditions. Never the less, I ve always dreamt of living the American dream. What I envision my life to become is me living in a pretty big house with an ok car, tons of expensive electronics and eating out every night. This may not seem like a pretty big dream to you because you may already be living that dream but I think that its pretty relaxing life once you get there. In order to get their I'm hoping to be able to get to go to cal state San Bernardino and major in computer science. American dreamcal state San Bernardino Once I get my degree I hope I can apply my self to become an IT guy for the schools. They make good money at about $70,000 a year starting out and then I will be on my way to living the American dream.
Interest/Hobbies Menu Music Movies Games MM My Main hobbies include just about three things only. These things,as indicated by the buttons above, Music,games, and movies. I am very passionate about each one of these items over the years. I hope you will enjoy these things as much as I have
Games MM Ever since the Christmas of 2005 I've owned a console and since then I've played video games every single day. I find them just like art in their sense of scale and beauty in the graphics. I also can appreciate the soundtrack or score of these games like in Rockstars Grand theft auto franchise. Each one of those games have soundtracks that perfectly enhance the era of which the game takes place in. Another example would be Bethesdas elder scrolls series. Their score is a chorus of people singing.elder scrolls
Music MM Ive been listening to music since I was in the 6 th grade but It wasn’t until I got my first iPod from my dad in 8 th grade when I really started to discover music. One of the first was Sublime(lower right). This band was formed in 1988 and was headed by Bradley Nowell until 1996 when he died of a heroin overdose in San Francisco. The best album of the band would have to be their debut album which is 1992s 40oz to freedom because most of the songs in the album tell a narrative of his and or the bands hijinks and adventures in drugs. Another group I discovered is a French house group called Daft Punk(upper left). Sublime Daft punk only has 4 real albums that they’ve made in a studio, but their best one was 2001s Discovery. Its hard to describe but what really won me over was the music videos which were put together into a movie called interstellar 5555.
Movies MM Another thing that Im very passionate about is movies but more specifically my favorites of Stanley Kubrick. Stanley Kubrick in my opinion is the greatest director of all time because he pretty much conquered every genre of movie with his own signature twist. For example his movie Full metal jacket(bottom picture), this was not your typical Vietnam film because for 2 reasons. One reason is that unlike many films, this film has a predominantly urban setting as opposed to thick jungles of Vietnam. The second reason is that half the movie takes place in boot camp as apposed to just throw the protagonist directly into the war. However I think his greatest contribution to film is the film A clockwork orange(upper right). The reason why is that it was something different something no one has ever done before in terms of filmaking.A clockwork orange
Personal Goals MM There are really two personal goals in my life that I would like to see in my life time. I would like to see myself helping other people with their computers,solving their computer related problems, and uniting my race against racist bigots and communists. That’s why on March 1 st 2015 I will establish the Mexican Nationalist Party. This party will attempt to do many things but its chief goals are to unite my race in sister and brotherhood, deliver justice to racist cops, and to establish a socialism of all services my race can provide to its self. We also will attempt, when the time is right, to partner up with the Mexican Nationalist Front down in Mexico to drum up support for both our parties. I also do intend to help out my church in San Bernardino because it is a poor church it could use allot of help.the Mexican Nationalist Front