35 th General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church June Orlando, Florida
35 th General Assembly ■ The EPC now has 560 churches spread across 13 Presbyteries 45 new churches were added to the EPC in the in past year. 45 new churches were added to the EPC in the in past year. The number of churches in the EPC has tripled since 2007 The number of churches in the EPC has tripled since 2007 More than 1,200 people attended More than 1,200 people attended General Assembly in Orlando General Assembly in Orlando
Our Host Church in Orlando General Assembly was hosted by First Presbyterian Church in downtown Orlando. General Assembly was hosted by First Presbyterian Church in downtown Orlando.
Our Host Church
New Vision Statement “To the glory of God, the EPC desires to be a local movement of congregations engaged together in God’s mission through transformation, multiplication and effective biblical leadership, embodying Jesus’ love to our neighbors near and far.”
A New Logo
A New Headquarters The EPC will move its headquarters from Lavonia, Michigan to Orlando, Florida. The EPC will move its headquarters from Lavonia, Michigan to Orlando, Florida. Orlando was one of 7 potential cities considered. Orlando was one of 7 potential cities considered. The move to Orlando will save money and provide better access to air transportation. The move to Orlando will save money and provide better access to air transportation.
Serving Communion The GA granted authority for non- ordained persons to serve communion when no elders are available. This is especially needed in the mission field and church- planting teams where they lack ordained elders. The GA granted authority for non- ordained persons to serve communion when no elders are available. This is especially needed in the mission field and church- planting teams where they lack ordained elders.
Theological Education Approved a revision of the requirements for theological education of pastors. Approved a revision of the requirements for theological education of pastors. The new standards allow more flexibility for candidates seeking to become ordained as pastors. The new standards allow more flexibility for candidates seeking to become ordained as pastors.
EPC in Puerto Rico
We expanded the boundaries of the Presbytery of Florida to include a church in Puerto Rico. We expanded the boundaries of the Presbytery of Florida to include a church in Puerto Rico. The 450 members of the Puerto Rican congregation gave up their building after their session was fired and their pastor was threatened by the PC(USA). The 450 members of the Puerto Rican congregation gave up their building after their session was fired and their pastor was threatened by the PC(USA).
Committee on Theology Appointed a special committee to review the EPC position paper on the sanctity of marriage and also the position paper on homosexuality. Appointed a special committee to review the EPC position paper on the sanctity of marriage and also the position paper on homosexuality.
Presbyterians in Argentina Approved a new 5-year fraternal agreement with the Presbyterian Churches in Argentina (St. Andrews Presbytery) Approved a new 5-year fraternal agreement with the Presbyterian Churches in Argentina (St. Andrews Presbytery)
Christian Education Approved a recommendation to update the EPC Leadership Training Guide. Approved a recommendation to update the EPC Leadership Training Guide.
Planting Churches One of the major goals of the EPC is to plant new churches. One of the major goals of the EPC is to plant new churches. Currently, there are 27 churches being planted nationwide, including churches in New York City and San Francisco. Currently, there are 27 churches being planted nationwide, including churches in New York City and San Francisco. Every church is encouraged to be a church planter, partner or patron. Every church is encouraged to be a church planter, partner or patron.
New Moderator The Rev. Mike Moses was elected new moderator of the EPC. The Rev. Mike Moses was elected new moderator of the EPC.
World Outreach We commissioned four new missionary couples to serve among unreached Muslim people groups. We commissioned four new missionary couples to serve among unreached Muslim people groups.
New Moderator Mike Moses is pastor of the 2,000-member Lake Forest Church in Charlotte, N.C. that meets at three different locations. Mike Moses is pastor of the 2,000-member Lake Forest Church in Charlotte, N.C. that meets at three different locations.
Worship Great times of worship with powerful preaching and music. Great times of worship with powerful preaching and music.
Worship at General Assembly
Future General Assemblies The 36 th General Assembly will be held June 22-25, 2016 at Ward Presbyterian Church in Detroit, Michigan. The 36 th General Assembly will be held June 22-25, 2016 at Ward Presbyterian Church in Detroit, Michigan. The 37 th General Assembly will be held in June 2017 at Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church in California The 37 th General Assembly will be held in June 2017 at Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church in California