Publications Report Yannis Ioannidis, SGB Publications Advisor Joe Konstan, Publications Board co-Chair
Outline In-Cooperation Proceedings OpenTOC Conference/Journal Issues CHORUS, Federal Mandates, … Other Pubs Board Activities Q&A and DISCUSSION
In-Cooperation Proceedings Definitions Archived in the DL: Actual content (paper) stored in & served from DL Exposed in the DL: Metadata stored in the DL, incl. links to full content elsewhere Hosted by the DL: Published by others, archived in the DL
Policy Change on DL Archival (Co-) sponsored In-coopunrelated ACM ICPS SIGICPS otherSIGPUBS BOARD Archived in DL certain possible impossible
Policy Change on DL Archival If an in-coop event wants to be archived in the DL, it has to be published by ICPS If an in-coop event is published by someone else, it can be exposed in the DL High-quality important content (e.g., in danger) can be hosted in the DL
Notes on DL Exposition Being exposed in the DL –Treated exactly like all ACM publications … All services, aggregations, groupings, classifications, analytics, … –… except for link leading to publisher’s website SIG decides on –in-coop status –DL exposition
Notes on DL Hosting Future adoption of quality content by failing publishers –ACM must be authorized by authors Better done from beginning, if such possibility Vetting by the pubs board, as usual
Vetting on DL Hosting (Co-) sponsored In-coopunrelated ACM ICPS SIGICPS otherSIGPUBS BOARD Archived in DL certain possible impossible PUBS BOARD
OpenTOC Definitions on 3-year ACM experiment Open-Surround: Open Access from DL for 1mo around a conference OpenTOC: Open Access from DL for 1yr after conference on SIG or conference site Revenue impact to be assessed at end
Observations 326 sponsored conferences 236 openTOC 62 actually put in place (for 19 SIGs) Most downloads 1.around conference 2.during 1 st year 3.during 2 nd year
OpenTOC decision Indefinite OpenTOC Definitive version of proceedings contents openly available from DL indefinitely
Survey Results
Conference/Journal Issues Background –Jointly-staffed Conferences Committee –Publishing Conference Papers in Journals Extended versions Journal-first Journal-integrated Draft Report Provided to SGB –Sent to you in backup
Conference/Journal Issues Highlights … –Recognition that quality research is often published in conferences, and that conference publication is not uniformly recognized Much of what we publish in conferences would qualify as journal publication in other fields –Encourage continued collaborative arrangements with Transactions (journal-first and journal-integrated) –Create a new Proceedings of the ACM line for top-quality conference proceedings.
Proceedings of the ACM Model –Series of PACM (e.g., PACM Programming Languages; PACM Software Systems) which have issues for individual proceedings; governance under design –Proceedings based on quality and review process (includes review by experts; at least one revision) –PACM would replace the proceedings for those conferences – working on financial model to support conference use/access –Expectation of mechanism for direct submission without conference attendance
Feedback Sought! Issues Jaudelice de Oliveira Roch Guerin –Criteria for Selection –Options for Direct Submission –Management Structure Joe Konstan –Business Model Goal is to match proceedings costs to the extent possible
CHORUS, Federal Mandates, … Current decisions –Keeping longstanding policy of author rights to make mandatory deposits –12 month embargo (consistent with US Agency defaults) –Serve version of record (alternative was author- prepared version) –Serve version in the full ACM DL Future discussions –Services we can provide for authors? –Seek voluntary author payments?
CHORUS, Federal Mandates, … Overview –Funder OA Mandates (US, Europe, World, Foundation) Variations: deposit/link; embargo; cost –CHORUS – Publisher solution targeted initially at US Government mandates Automatically ties together capturing funding data (FundRef), required deposit/reporting, open access within publisher DL –NSF: using DOE Pages model, negotiations with CHORUS
Other Pubs Board Activities ICPS –New EiC, editorial board –Numbers growing significantly –many proposals from US, Australia, France Creation of gold OA journal suspended Work on new search engine, DL services, … New taxonomy and backward compatibility Very active books program –Graduate textbooks, monographs, doctoral dissertation award winners, history accounts of computing pioneers, … –Soliciting books!
Q&A and Discussion