Working for a hospital at home (Teleworking)
Teleworking Home working or teleworking for hospitals staff is the process where they work from home using ICT, they can access hospital files through a remote connection to the hospital computer network using Internet Technology Usually Hospitals like Tech med provide people with the necessaries to be able to access their work from home.
Hardware and software necessities To be able to work from home you and the company you are working for, have to have specific hardware and software in place to be able to offer working at home because with out specific hardware and software, your company won’t be able to offer remote desktop services and working from home.
Hardware Needed to work at home A computing device. The worker needs to have a computing device to work from home this could be anything from a Desktop computer with keyboard and mouse, Laptop, netbook, ultrabook. And Smartphone or tablet Webcam and microphone This allows workers to be able to interact with other workers who may be in the hospital whilst they’re at home i.e Video conferencing Printers It is necessary for the home workers to print out hard copies of documents that need to be mailed. However techmed discourage the use of paper
Hardware Needed to work at home Continued Internet Connection and Communication Equipment To allow people to be able to work from home, both company and its workers need to have a internet connection because this allows them to be able to connect to a companies server through a hosting site which can be based on a website and an example of this could be the Deyes VLE system, where you can log onto the schools system via a host website called Moodle. As you can see people who work for this hospital they can log onto a server an online server and then be able to access files from home which they would be able to get from work This shows a general idea of a what people have at home to allow them to be able to connect to the internet at home.
Software Needed to work at home Hospitals have specific software, which they can use to allow people to access files from home. For Techmed 2014 they plan on having an application for people to use to allow people to work from home and access files which, means that they won’t download any of the data which can be a good thing as it more secure because if workers can download the data then if their computer was to be stolen then patient data could be lost and stolen whereas with a dedicated software where people can just view information instead of having to download it is a lot safer
General Hardware Required to work at home Web Browser Web browsers are required as it allows the user to be able to use the internet on their computer which is necessary for some people to be able access servers and s This will allow people to be able to communicate with different people through out the hospital and allow them to be able to send files from home to colleges in the hospital
General Hardware Required to work at home Remote Desktop This is a service which allows people to be able to logo into a networked computer running the service provided by Microsoft this allows people to logo on to a computer which they can use In a hospitals and then the users and access their files on their work compute from their home computer