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Presentation transcript:


Danube Knowledge Cluster – current state Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

An interest association of artificial persons (Act no. 40/1964 Coll.– Civil Code, s. 20, subsection f and subsequent) founded on 30 July 2010, composed of the following sectors: Public sector(towns, self-governing regions and their associations), Academic and intellectual sector(universities, research institutes and churches), Private, non-public and enterpreneurial sector (state and private enterpreneurial entities, incl. banks, non-profit sector). Legal Form Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Seat: Bratislava, Slovak Republic Actvity: In states involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. In states neighbouring the countries involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Seat and Activity Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

...to create for the Danube Region inhabitants the conditions for growth, prosperity and solidarity in line with the prepared EU Strategy for the Danube Region and through the creation of a knowledge economy… Principal Mission Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Organisation Scheme GENERAL ASSEMBLY Supervisory Board Management Board DKC Office Specific purpose Teams Action Teams DANUBE KNOWLEDGE CLUSTER - ORGANISATION authority reporting Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Full Members: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SK), Comenius University in Bratislava (SK), Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas e.V. (DE), the Bishops’ Conference of Slovakia (SK), the Western Distrcit of the Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Slovakia (SK)... The City of Nové Zámky (SK), City of Komárno (SK), the Union of Cities of Slovakia(SK), the Self-governing Region of Nitra(SK)... KPMG Slovakia spol. s r.o. (SK), Capgemini Slovakia, s.r.o. (SK), Atos IT Solution and Services s.r.o. (SK), Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers (SK), Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians Engaged in Construction (CZ)... All other members’ rights have been suspended and they are now facing expulsion. Members Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Danube Knowledge Cluster - Project Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

To identify and draft concrete and real solutions (of big supranational projects) to facilitate the achievement of competitiveness of the European macro-regions in the multipolar world by interconnecting the technological and social research within the European Network for Innovation and Development. Main Purpose Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Activities of research teams working on the virtual platform known as the European Network for Innovation and Development will be focused on the following topics: Competitiveness, growth and employment (technological research – e.g. Thermal Cracking, Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete), Young people (social research), Security and social character (technological and social research), Democratic legitimacy and accountability (social research). Activities Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Project description: o Objectives and alignment. o Planed activities. Project period and timetable. Project managers and project partners. State of the art in the field. Expected outcome with special focus on end users/business related potential. Expected impact on the knowledge society. Budget details. Details Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Main activities: Analyses. Multidisciplinary research. Proposal for a framework and integrating solution. Implementation of the pilot case study. Subsidiary activities: Project management. Promotion and spreading of information. The Structure of Activitie Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

4 project managers from SK and Germany. Main partners from Germany, AT, CZ, BG and SK. 3 administrative and technical coordinators from Germany and SK. 16 main expert coordinators from Germany, AT, CZ, BG, RU and SK – each coordinator has his own supranational network of experts and institutional partners. Other potential partners from Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania. Personal Network and Partners Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Benefits in the countries involved: Preparation of new supranational investment. Preparation of the creation of new enterpreneurial opportunities and new jobs. Drafting of the grant scheme to enhance the growth and employment in the context of big supranational investment. Maximisation of the scientific and research potential by networking capacities of the research and development infrastructure. Enhancing the the application of innovative technologies. Enhancing the education of young people. Some Benefits Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.

Ing Peter Poláček Managing Director Danube Knowledge Cluster® Vazovova 5, Bratislava Registered in the Registry of interest association of legal entities as County Office Bratislava.