1 Earn Dollar Online Presenter : Annur Rahman CEO, VarsityAdmission.COM
2 Session Timeline Registration & Lunch Coupon Introduction & Expectation Earning scopes on the Internet Tea Break
3 Session Timeline Domain, Hosting, Subject & Components of Website Lunch and Prayer Break AdSense Account, Get paid Tea Break How to maximize revenue
4 Topics to be Covered 1. Earning scopes on the Internet. 2. Choose the right business. 3. Build your website - Domain, Hosting etc. 4. Attract Visitors - Free vs Paid Visitors. 5. Get paid, get cheque, get cash. 6. How to increase revenue. 7. Search Engine Optimization. 8. PageRank.
5 Internet: Earning Scopes 1. Sale your product on the Internet. 2. Be affiliate to sell product. 3. Display advertisement. 4. Third party advertisement display. 5. Participate in Survey. 6. Read Click on the advertisement. 8. See advertisement.
6 Third Party Adv Display 1. Yahoo! Publisher Network. 2. AdBrite. 3. Google AdSense. 4. Clicksor. 5. Chitika Minimall. There are more than 50 companies.
7 Where is the Business? 1. Companies want their products to be publicized. 2. They want maximum output at minimum cost. 3. Internet is the only way to publicize anything at minimum possible cost and time.
8 Why they share revenue? 1. They want to strengthen their power. 2. They have limitation. 3. All the Internet users are not their visitors. 4. Some are simply broker, they have no products.
9 Why Google AdSense? 1. Reliable, pioneer and largest company in this sector. 2. Easy and simple method. 3. Payment system straightforward. 4. Largest client-base. 5. Quality advertiser-base.
10 Question & Answer 1. Please ask any question regarding the previous discussion.
11 Website Components 1. Domain. 2. Hosting. 3. Subject. 4. Development. 5. Uploading. 6. Maintenance.
12 Domain and Hosting 1. You should consider the control not the price of your domain. 2. Hosting : Service is the most important. 3. Domain and Hosting Price. 4. Development. 5. Uploading. 6. Maintenance.
13 Most Important 1. Subject of the Site. 2. Visitors. 3. Contents. 4. How to choose a subject.
14 Question & Answer Please ask any question regarding the previous discussion.
15 AdSense Account 1. How to create? 2. Process and Procedure. 3. Single or Common Account? 4. Payee and Country Name. 5. Tax Information. 6. Which Address to use?
16 How Google will pay? 1. Cheque, EFT, Local Currency. 2. Google payment cycle. 3. What if you do not receive cheque? 4. Pay $28 to get the cheque by DHL. 5. How to get BDT from this cheque. 6. Income Tax. 7. Bank charge.
17 Question & Answer Please ask any question regarding the previous discussion.
18 Increase Your Revenue 1. Adv positioning. 2. Adv placement. 3. Adv coloring. 4. Image, Text, Link Adv. 5. Adv unit. 6. Large or small adv. 7. Vertical or Horizontal adv.
19 Visitor = Revenue 1. Visitor is the life line. 2. How to get more visitors? 3. Publicity. 4. Free Visitors : SEO. 5. Advertisement. 6. Large or small adv. 7. Vertical or Horizontal adv.
20 Stay ahead : Top Title. 2. Meta Description. 3. Meta Keywords. 4. Body contents. 5. Spelling. 6. Frequency of keywords. 7. Link from other sites.
21 PageRank 1. What is PageRank. 2. Importance of PageRank. 3. Increase your PageRank. 4. PageRank-Revenue Relationship. 5. Spelling. 6. Frequency of keywords. 7. Link from other sites.
22 Question & Answer Please ask any question based on all the discussion of this session.
23 Thanks Thank you very much for attending the session. We wish your success on the endeavor of Internet business. You are most welcome if you face any difficulty in implementing the techniques you learnt here.