Concept Note to Strengthen the DPG Secretariat in the Context of the Changing Aid Environment DPG Proposal December 4 th, 2007
Selected DPG Achievements Development and signing of the JAST and the Joint PD Increased DP coordination for policy dialogue (DCF, PER/MKUKUTA consultative meetings, etc) Good Progress towards meeting the Paris Indicators Quality technical input from the WGs into the national processes and policies Coordinated DP responses to the GoT (i.e. Paris baseline survey, aid data, MTEF projections, corruption issues, etc) …
Current Support to DPG Coordination.. Small secretarial support Voluntary contributions from willing DPG members to take part/lead DPG activities Extensive dedication of time and resources from DPG Co-Chairs Administrative support by UNDP Ad-Hoc financing from DPs Etc….
Some Emerging Challenges… Greater need to support coordination efforts on the national side for an effective dialogue with DPs. Increased need to support Aid Coordination in Zanzibar Improving the quality of political dialogue – DP &GoT Need to systematize support to some WGs to ensure quality outputs throughout all sectors Need to systematically monitor progress on the Paris and other indicators with the view of enhancing aid effectiveness. Need to create stronger links between the national processes and the DPG WGs …..
Improved Focus for the DPG Secretariat Support aid coordination efforts on the mainland and in Zanzibar and develop linkages with the DPG Systematic and effective follow-up between DPG sessions to ensure active progress on the endorsed way forward Providing policy and technical analytic work on aid coordination, H&A, and various dialogue processes. Provide administrative and thematic support to key working groups – as needed ! Professionalize and enhance communications on the needs and objectives to improve aid effectiveness ..
How could we start to address some of these challenges..? More Pro active DPG secretariat to help push the JAST and Dialogue Agenda Stronger Analytical Work in Support for Aid Coordination Stronger capacity to coordinate national process with links to the DPG – MLD Stronger capacity to coordinate national process with links to the DPG – ZZB More support to the DPG Working Groups in Need of Admin Support Enhanced Communication for increased DPG transparency and visibility Aid Coordination Advisor-Mld 90% Aid Coordination Advisor-zzb 90% Aid Coordination Specialist Aid Coordination WkGrp Support Communication Specialist
Resources Needed to support Secretariat - 2 Years Funding Sources DPG SecretariatYear 1Year 2TotalUNDPNorwayDenmark Need to Mobilize DPG Institutional Capacity - Aid Coordination Specialist 140, , Aid Coordination Advisor Zzb 160, , Aid Coordination Advisor Mld 160, , , Aid Coordination Support and WG Secretariat120, , Coordination/Communication Specialist 120, , Sub-total700,000 1,400,000280,000160,000240,000720,000 - DPG Website Hosting4,000 8, Analytic Work / Joint Communication 50, , Seminar/Meeting/Workshop/Training 5,000 10, Sub-total 59, ,0008, ,000 Total759,000 1,518,000288,000160,000240,000830,000