1 AFACT th AFACT StC Mid-Term Meeting AFACT Secretariat Report Dr. Eva Yueh AFACT Secretariat Goa, India May 14, 2009
2 AFACT 2 AFACT Update Promotional Activities AFACT Website CONTENT
3 AFACT 3 Members Current Structure of AFACT AFACT StC Members Joint Working Group Chairs Hosting Members AFACT Update
4 AFACT 4 Members 19 Members Associate Members: PAA (Pan Asia eCom Alliance)PAA (Pan Asia eCom Alliance) Special committee of AFACT : eAC (eBusiness Asia Committee)eAC (eBusiness Asia Committee) China
5 AFACT 5 AFACT Structure Interop. Domain Interop. Support
6 AFACT AFACT StC Members Dr. NGUYEN MANH QUYEN (Elected HoD – Viet Nam ) Term: 2009~2010 Term: 2009~2010 Sangwon Lim (UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia – Korea) Kim, Chun Seok (Vice Chair, 2008 Hosting Member– Korea) T.A. Khan (Chair, 2009 Hosting Member – India UN/CEFACT Vice Chair ) Dr. Jyh-Sheng Ke (AFACT Secretariat – Chinese Taipei) Dr. Mahmood Zargar (Elected HoD – Iran ) Term: 2009~2010 Faisal Saleh Al-Mousa (2010 Hosting Member– Saudi Arabia)
7 AFACT 7 Joint Working Group Chairs JWGChairTerm FWG* Javed Naushahi (Pakistan) 2006~2007 TWG James Su (Chinese Taipei) 2009~2010 ATG* K.S. Kunwar (India) 2006~2007 SCWG Yong Jae Kim (Korea) 2007~2008 XMLWG Karlson Hsia (Chinese Taipei) 2009~2010 SWG Perry Liu (Chinese Taipei) 2009~2010 LWG* Zahid Usman Jamil (Pakistan) 2006~2007 BCFWG Kamarudin Bin Tambi (Singapore) 2007~2008 AEG Acting Chair: Kenji Itoh (Japan) 2008~2010 CWG Azhar Majeed Khalid (Pakistan) 2009~2010 IIC Acting Chair: T. A. Khan (India) *FWG, ATG, LWG were adjourned in 2008
8 AFACT 8 Hosting Members Update Hosting Year Hosting Member 2009 (eASIA Award) India 2010 Saudi Arabia (Confirmed) 2011 (eASIA Award) Chinese Taipei (Confirmed) 2012 Iran (Confirmed) 2013 (eASIA Award) -
9 AFACT 9 AFACT Roadmap Task Force Team Activities Conference-callParticipants March 17, 2009Mr. Sangwon Lim, Mr.T. A. Khan, Mr. R. K. Arora Mr. Anupam, Dr. Eva Yueh, Ms. Ariel wang April 13, 2009Mr. Sangwon Lim, Mr.T. A. Khan, Mr. R. K. Arora Mr. Anupam, Dr. Eva Yueh, Ms. Ariel wang May 04, 2009Mr. Sangwon Lim, Mr.T. A. Khan, Mr. R. K. Arora Mr. Anupam, Dr. Eva Yueh, Ms. Ariel wang Issues- eAsia Award 2009 Status Draft RFEOI for AFACT Secretariat Recruitment Draft JWG Transition Plan
10 AFACT 10 2009 AFACT Year Book 2009 eAsia Award AFACT Website Promotional Activities
11 AFACT AFACT Year Book Year Book Review Board 2009 AFACT Chairman / UN/CEFACT Vice Chair UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia AFACT Secretariat Year Book Schedule Review the Table of ContentMay 14 Submission of All MaterialsAug. 14 Printing of First DraftSep. 01 Final Review by BoardOct. 05 Final Edition PublishedOct. 21 Delivery to AFACT PlenaryOct. 26
12 AFACT AFACT Year Book Preface 2009 AFACT Chair UN/CEFACT Vice Chair UN/CEFACT Rapporteur for Asia AFACT Secretariat Introduction to AFACT 2009 AFACT Organization 2009 Progress Reports (Members & Associate Members) Contact Information Meeting History TABLE OF CONTENT
13 AFACT AFACT Year Book Section I - General Condition Update Section II - EDIFACT / ebXML / XML Based Standards Development 1. Maintenance 2. Implementation of ebXML Standard 3. Implementation of XML based Standards Development Table of Content for 2009 Progress Reports
14 AFACT AFACT Year Book Section III – Trade Facilitation/ eBusiness / eCommerce Related Project Updates 1. Infrastructure 1) eGovernment 2) Trade Facilitation – Single Window – WCO SAFE 3) eBusiness 4) eSociety Section IV – Other advanced applications-- IT-enabled Service (ITeS) 2. Applications 1) eGovernment 2) Trade Facilitation – Single Window – WCO SAFE 3) eBusiness 4) eSociety
15 AFACT AFACT Year Book eBusiness Asia Committee eBusiness Asia Committee Progress Report Members Progress Report (#12) Cambodia, Chinese Taipei, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam Associate Members Progress Reports Pan-Asian E-Commerce Alliance (PAA) Progress Report 14 Member Progress Reports in 2008 AFACT Year Book
16 AFACT eAsia Award Eligibility The contest is open to any company/organization nominated by Head of Delegate of AFACT member countries/economies. Awards Category Trade Facilitation Electronic Business in the Public Sector Electronic Business in the Private Sector Bridging Digital Divide Special Honorary General Rules/Information Entries must be enrolled as projects instead of individuals or organizations. The project must be a new venture and initiated between 1 March 2006 and 1 March 2009, which had not received eASIA Award before. Each HoD from AFACT member country/economy can nominate maximum 2 projects for each of the first 4 categories of the awards. 12 contestants (3 projects each for the first 4 categories) and one contestant for the special honorary (if any) as the semi-finalists by September 15, 2009 The deadline for the submission of application by July 15 1st evaluation done by September 15.
17 AFACT 17 AFACT Website Accumulated Number of Viewers
18 AFACT 18 AFACT Website (1/3) (Source : AFACT Secretariat, April 30, 2009) /4 Numbers of Viewers during these years accumulated dramatically
19 AFACT 19 AFACT Website (1/3) The most popular 3 web surfing subjects are “News”, ”Events”, and file download.
20 AFACT 20 AFACT Website (3/3) The hit rate by region (Aug. 2008~ Apr. 2009)
21 AFACT 21 Surveys of Members’ Nat’l Initiatives Member's initiativescompleted In Process In Master Plan Int'l Standard compliant e-Customs3622 e-Transportation38 1 e-Air Transportation2611 e-Certification of Country of Origin 362 e-Certification of Inspection1522 e-Certification of Sanitary1413 e-Payment Gateway551 Internet Banking92
22 AFACT 22 Surveys of Members’ Nat’l Initiatives Members’ Initiatives Completed In- Process Master Plan Int’l Std Compliant Mobile online Payment83 ATM and Cash Card91 WCO Safe Framework162 e-Procurement443 e-Readiness Survey233 Public service portal (one stop service) 542 Interoperability of variable public service gateway 181 Public service platform47 Official document exchange 1 75
23 AFACT 23 Thank you 謝 (Xie Xie)