COMMITTEE MEMBERS Nancy Goplen – Far West (BC, YK) Kathy Gregg – West (AB, NWT, SK, MB) Sandra Chenard – Ontario/Nunavut Richard Benoit – Québec To be determined – Atlantic (NS, NB, NFL, PEI)
COMMITTEE MANDATE The goal of the CDC is to develop an annual SSC Competition Calendar, maintain the list of SSC and NA records, to facilitate the development and implementation of competition standards, format and rules for domestic competitions. The CDC meets on the 1 st Tuesday of every month by means of a conference call. They hold one in person meeting each year, generally in the early fall.
HOSTING GRANTS The CDC has received an increase for hosting grants for the season. Currently the CDC is reviewing the hosting grant allocation process for each SSC funded competition and that will help to determine specific amounts for hosts. Hosts will know their hosting grant amount by August.
SSC REPRESENTATIVES An SSC representative is assigned to each SSC “funded” competition to ensure that SSC rules and protocol are followed. They are there to assist organizers with questions that are raised. SSC representatives are members of the CDC or the HPC’s.
CANADA WINTER GAMES Overview of schedule; including practice days, race days and travel dates ST Format – draft, presented at CPACST LT Format – on website Links to websites Accommodation update
COMPETITION RESOURCES Competition Hosting Manual: A Guide for Hosting National Level Speed Skating Competitions. Meet Coordinator Competition Guide: A Guide for Hosting Club and Provincial Level Speed Skating Competitions. Both manuals available at SSC or on our website SSC’s Sport Development Coordinator! Your CDC member!
MEET MANAGER SOFTWARE Two training sessions occurred in the spring. In total 20 people from across the country were trained with the software. They will now run a regional training session to educate others about the software program. To obtain a copy of the program contact your branch.
NORTH AMERICAN PROPOSAL At the USS meeting this spring, SSC proposed the following; change NALT from Mass Start to Olympic Style This was declined. change age categories to match the ISU (2008) This was accepted for Senior 19 + (until Masters 1 at age 30) ISU Junior A (17 – 18) ISU Junior B (15 – 16) ISU Junior C (13 – 14) ISU Junior D (11 – 12)
RECORDS A reminder of the process for submitting a record application. The deadline is 30 days after the competition. If a record has been missed,
IMPORTANT DEADLINES Sanction applications for National Championships (K1 – 100), must be applied for by July 31 st of each year (K1- 104) All paperwork following a competition must be submitted to the SDC within 30 days following the competition.