This question often leaves grocery shoppers wondering which to choose. Is one bag better for the environment than the other? In 2007, San Francisco, Ca became the first American city to ban its supermarkets and pharmacy chains From doling out nonbiodegradable plastic bags. These bags do not Decompose over time and end up clogging landfills. In April 2008, The Whole Foods market chain will stop offering plastic bags. Does the plastic bag’s demise suggest that its paper counterpart is the greener Choice? What you may learn may prompt you to answer the Question, “Paper or Plastic” with “Neither”.
o Worldwide, about 4 billion plastic bags are trashed each year. Tied end to end, the bags could circle the Earth 63 times! o 7 in 10 Americans do not know that plastic is made from petroleum products. o 4 in 10 Americans wrongly believe plastic will biodegrade underground in landfills or in the ocean.