EEA-RSC meeting to discuss relationship between regional and European assessments
Art 20 of the MSFD – some highlights The Commission shall publish a first evaluation report on the implementation of this Directive within two years of receiving all programmes of measures and, in any case, by 2019 at the latest. The Commission shall publish further reports every six years thereafter. It shall submit the reports to the European Parliament and to the Council. (b) a review of the status of the marine environment in the Community, undertaken in coordination with the European Environment Agency and the relevant regional marine and fisheries organisations and conventions; There are 6 other reports required by art 20.
The MSFD House Model
Objective of meeting To have a first discussion of what a European State of the marine environment may look like in To reflect on the MSFD House model Comparison of regional and EEA assessment objectives Comparison of regional and EEA assessment frameworks Comparison of regional and EEA assessment outlines Comparison of production timelines The use of regional and EEA indicators to the 2019 assessment Future collaboration/coordination – how and on what do we continue to work together?
What EEA has been doing so far Developed State of Europe’s Seas assessment Consulted in the end of 2014 Almost ready for publication Aim is to present it in Brussels in June during Green Week Developing a concept for WISE-Marine A website hosting state of the environment information relevant for the MSFD Mapping information sources and needs for WISE-Marine (this is ongoing) Next step Develop a roadmap for the state of the environment assessment needed for art 20.3b
Developing WISE-Marine Principles of SEIS Partnership with Regional Sea Conventions Sharing data and information
WISE-Marine landing page WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) State of the marine environment (EEA) Policy (ENV) Data (EEA) Marine Competence Center (JRC)
Zoom in on State of the Marine Environment WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) State of the marine environment (EEA ) DriversPressures State of marine ecosystem Impacts on ecosystem services and natural capital Response Policy - Ecosystem Based Mgt (ENV) Data (EEA)
WISE-Marine landing page (ENV) Data (EEA) Data products (information shown) Indicators From EEA and RSC Reference layers and MSFD maps Data services (e.g. EMODNET) Assessment tools MS reported data (inputs to WISE-M) MSFD Art 8, 9 and 10 MSFD Art 13 MSFD Art 11 RSC indicators and MSFD Art 19.3 WISE SOE (TCM)
Description PhotoMap (images of maps) Status and trends (maps, figures, tables, text) (links to data section of portal) Impact chain EU Policy relevance Further reading Example of information unit: e.g. seabed habitats (or pressure: physical abrasion or driver: military) Key messages