The GAME ROOM is a product that allows Interbank to create a gaming atmosphere in a matter of minutes. Users will become part of a gamification world where your brand is the core of the strategy. An adrenaline rush of game mechanics for users to feel the thrill of the game along with direct prizes thanks to Interbank. Do you have your ticket in hand? Build the best Interbank experience either through web or mobile platforms or through Facebook apps. It’s up to you!
In short, our product allows Interbank to create a space full of customized GAME MECHANICS for users to enjoy themselves with your brand. No distractions whatsoever. Only. Your. Brand. It provides service to the amusement park every brand lover dreams of. Press here Press here to check our complete list of game mechanics.
Just try it yourself: If you provide a person with a game, no matter the target group, he’ll start playing in a matter of seconds. Put up your hands if you don’t love playing! BUT WHY WILL USERS PLAY? It is commonly said that we all have a child within us. And there is clearly no doubt about it! But by playing we don’t mean teenagers hooked on League of Legends, but integrating game elements into actions that are associated with Interbank. Customers will be able to enjoy while they are waiting to be attended in the offices, as Interbank will offer an interactive tool which they will love and enjoy during boring moments. Meanwhile, Interbank will impact its customers through a fun environment, making them learn and discover its services while playing!
IMPLEMENTATION TIMES: Interbank will be able to use Hooptap’s Game Room in just a few minutes. We already have standard templates for you to chose from. It’s as easy as selecting one of them and deciding which game mechanics adapt to your needs. Et voilà! CUSTOMIZATION: Templates are no barrier to innovation. Each of our customer’s platform has a different look&feel: colors, background pictures so the brand essence is transmitted in every interaction… Moreover, the content (game mechanics, prizes and banners) will be also personalized with Interbank’s image. WHAT MAKES IT SO UNIQUE? Our product provides a win-win procedure for all parties.
IMPACTS: Having a whole platform at the service of Interbank allows you to shine without interruption. And if this wasn’t enough, you can also include promotional banners to direct users to your websites or apps to consult Interbanks offers, services…or whatever you desire! ENGAGEMENT: Interbank users can be rewarded with direct prizes such as special benefits, merchandising etc. for succeeding on game mechanics. These rewards will act as a motivation for them to continue interacting with the platform. Users can be asked for their in the moment of receiving a direct prize so they can be ed the prize instantly. This reward system increases the positive feelings of the customers towards the brand. AMUSEMENT: Game mechanics will act as the perfect scenario for users to enjoy. Users will have a complete arena of interactive games to play with at the same time they move specific actions forward.
IN STORE ENTERTAINMENT: Interbank’s customers will be able to enjoy waiting times thanks to Hooptap’s Game Room. In this way, Interbank will be able to establish a positive and reciprocal relationship with their customers by caring about them and offering some fun during boring moments. Customers will feel listened and cared, they will enjoy these times and develop a more favorable attitude towards the bank. PRODUCT AWARENESS: During these waiting times customers will be entertained while they learn and discover the benefits about Interbank’s products and services. Interbank will be able to transmit a fresh and fun image while users assimilate the brand’s core values and its services in a non aggressive manner. Moreover, these games may collect feedback on consumer preferences and feedback which may be useful for Interbank.
FORMAT: We have many available forms for you to choose from: a fully responsive website a whole mobile app an integrated Facebook application. These may be integrated in Interbank offices in the following formats: Other multimedia formats such as: Mupppis Iwalls Store tablets Tactile Screens… All the options allow you to have the game mechanics grouped together on a single unified space. WHAT ARE THE PRODUCT’S FEATURES?
Just try it yourself: If you provide a person with a game, no matter the target group, he’ll start playing in a matter of seconds. Put up your hands if you don’t love playing! CUSTOMIZATION: We will provide Inrebank with a dashboard in order to customize your product. This dashboard will allow you to make changes both in terms of content and look & feel, such as: Choose the game mechanics Insert your personal logo Choose the colors Change the background pictures Include prizes Insert promotional banners
GAME MECHANICS: Hooptap offers more than 50 game mechanics ready to customize, in constant evolution to create new games and experiences with users every day. They are classified by: arcade, quiz and trivia, mental skills and media & social. Users can individually work their way up through the app by playing games.
Just try it yourself: If you provide a person with a game, no matter the target group, he’ll start playing in a matter of seconds. Put up your hands if you don’t love playing! BANNERS: The dashboard will allow Interbank to publish promotional banners on specific areas. This banners can show information about new products/services etc. and they can even redirect users to other websites or apps for them to know more about special offers, new services…
PRIZES: As human beings, we all have a natural ambition to be recognized. In this sense, The Game Room can deliver coupons with prizes for succeeding on games. All you have to do is define on the dashboard what prizes will users be rewarded with, for what games and with what frequency. There are 3 different types of coupons: Information coupons that the user can download and print in order to deliver at the bank. Coded coupons generated automatically by the system in order to hold a raffle. Coded coupons that the user has to introduce in other microsite, app or web.
Just try it yourself: If you provide a person with a game, no matter the target group, he’ll start playing in a matter of seconds. Put up your hands if you don’t love playing! CLOUD-HOSTING: Our product faces no bandwidth restrictions whatsoever, as it has a cloud-hosting system which allows us to manage on-peaks. This way, you will rely on an array of servers working together, instead of a single one. Just in case! Hooptap is also responsible of hosting, updating and keeping your product safe. Chill out and relax!