Group members: Vinod Raj Mylapore Supriya Suryadevara Naveen Thinavakarasu Navin Negi Houston Texas
Specializing in animations. Web hosting. Free Video hosting. – free video hosting site. similar to youtube, Viddler, Veoh.
Replacing the current website Creating a paid subscriber-based video management system. Develop a website 1. Robust 2. Scalable 3. Affordable for any size files to be uploaded.
A website with secured user login features using A management system to handle all the payment processing. A user console for managing videos, libraries, playlists. A library of widgets to upload videos, library viewers. Analytical reports. An administration area for managing users
User information(lname,fname,DOB,e- mail,gender etc.,) User account info(name,upload and download). Location(user address info). File(name,size,upload date).
Sales Reports Customer Receipts Analytical reports
Users (User_ID, User_Lname, User_Fname, User_DOB, User_ , User_Gender, User_PhoneNo, User_Rating, User_Addr, User_City, User_State, User_ZIP) Videos (Video_ID, User_ID, Video_Name, Video_Size, Video_UploadDate, Video_DwnloadDate, Video_Type) Account (Acct_ID, User_ID, Acct_Name, Acct_UserUpload, Acct_UserDwnload, Acct_Type) Payment (Payment_ID, User_ID, Payment_Amount, Payment_Type, Payment_Status, Payment_Date)