› District Director – Brad Hewitt › Girls Director – Kyle Crowe › President– Todd Hallett › President Elect & Safesport Coordinator – Mike Jones › District Operations – Chris Evans › League Operations - Rob Shuman › Supervisor of Officials - Dave Kemp › USA Hockey Assoc Registrar & Secretary – Monica Strout › District Coach in Chief - Pat Westrum › District Player Development Coach – Dick Emahiser › Metro League Reps - Don Strom/Sharon Morgan › Invitational Tournaments - Kurt Hyster 2
Junior Gold A – Minnetonka Junior Gold 16U – Minnetonka BAA – Edina PWAA – Edina PWB – Edina 12UA – Edina HPH Girls 15 to top 102 HPH Boys 18 to top 102 THANK YOU!!! › Joel Klute and EPHA for hosting 19U/14UB State › Judy Goodman and EHA for hosting BAA/PWAA State › Jerry Kaehler & PLSHA for hosting Regions › Kyle Billadeau for the 10U D6 Tourney 3
Waconia $42K at Annual Ice Out Event Richfield – Merging mite program with Kennedy. Seeing growth at mite level. Edina – Continued success with 4 State Titles and over 600 enrolled in mites Kennedy Bantam A took 1 st place in all 5 of their tournaments BB2 were Salvation Army Bell Ringers at MOA & SQA made sandwiches for the homeless Prior Lake donated to support families with children with cancer as well as implemented a new parental conduct policy. CCHA 14UA/B, PWB and BB1 went to State. SQA/B D6 Champs. Revamp of mite program utilizing cross-ice and dryland components 5
Minnetonka adopted the 10,000 Pucks program. Junior Gold A, B and 16U team went to state. JGA/16U State Champs! Fielded 19U team that took 3 rd in State Started gambling program to help finance new rink Jefferson Hockey created a recruiting video with the history of Jaguar hockey. 46 new mites last year! Shakopee 12UA runner up. Success with AA/A format. 5-week Intro-to Hockey Program to recruit at mite level increasing players. Eden Prairie Burnsville New Prague 6
Distribute host checks – Prior Lake, Eden Prairie, Edina Distribute Coach Registration $’s Operating budget approval YE is 10/31. First billing due 11/9 Play in games are paid by District 6 District Minutes to Board Secretary Contact List 8
10 2-3%
Burnsville – Burnsville District 191 Chaska – Chaska School District 112 Eden Prairie – Eden Prairie Edina – City of Edina Jefferson – Jefferson High School ISD #271 Kennedy – Kennedy High School ISC #271 Minnetonka – Minnetonka District #276 New Prague - School District #721 or surrounding communities Prior Lake – Savage – ISD 719 Richfield - City of Richfield Shakopee – Shakopee Public Schools District 720 Waconia – School District 110 (Waconia) and School District 108 (Norwood) President Review 11
Waivers from one association to another are approved by the association Presidents but the District Director has final authority. Do not sign an open ended waiver – i.e. the receiving assn must be filled in. If the waiver involves anyone outside of D6, the Director signature must also be present. Waiver Committee: District 6 mediates waiver issues through a committee comprised of former registrars and Presidents. Decisions made by this committee become recommendations to the District Director. Caution should be exercised when dealing with “A” level players. These players moving into your association cause disruption. Make sure there is a legitimate tie to your community & that your board reviews. Rainbow teams: There is a special waiver form for this situation. These teams need to be approved by the District Director PRIOR to tryouts. NO ONE outside of your association can tryout in your association without properly signed waivers. 12
Association arranges for EMT, District 6 pays. › W-9 must be on file. › Invoice must be submitted EMTs should staff one of the penalty boxes. Announcers should be hired for championship days Each local association is responsible for providing the volunteers for the playoff they are hosting. All Playoff expenses are paid by the District – preferred that they are billed directly. Regions/State monies go through the host association and are remitted back to the district. 13 D6 A/AA/B1 Playoffs: 2/ MN Regions 2/2 8-3/2 MN State D6 B2/C: 3/ 2-9 Squirt/10U 3/6-12
Hosts: Junior Gold State – Braemar (D6) 12UA/B American Regions – Kennedy/Richfield/New Prague? Bantam AA/A & Championship Weekend – Minnetonka BB1 – New Prague BB2 & Championship Weekend - Chaska BC – Kennedy/Richfield PWAA/A – Eden Prairie PWB1 – Waconia PWB2 – Burnsville PWC – Shakopee 14UA & Champ Weekend – Prior Lake 12UA – Jefferson 12UB – Edina Girls Play In games – Prior Lake 14
Board representation New Training Module Locker room monitors Co-ed locker Rooms Bullying/Harassment/Abuse Education Reporting 16 The comprehensive program is focused on creating an environment that will deter abusers and assist those in the hockey community in recognizing, reducing and responding to allegations or suspected abuse.
Minnesota Hockey had requested and was granted an exemption to the USA Hockey rule requiring all Mite games to be played half/cross ice by the USA Hockey Player Development Committee Beginning with the season, Mite/8U should be cross or half ice for the first half of the season, ending on December 31. During the second half of the season, teams will be allowed to play up to 10 full-ice games in addition to cross/half ice games, unless the request to play more full-ice games is approved by the District Director. Mini-Mite games should be played cross/half ice. If you have any questions, please contact your District Director. D6 Rules – 15 Mite full ice games.
Hockey Cross Ice Becker Products in Savage MN.. Robb Olexin is Sales Manger Rink Systems in Albert Lea is also supplier here is their website
Hockey Ops: Playoff format, league Structure Discipline Admin Safesport Executive Committee HDC – Youth HDC – Girls Mites: Recruitment & Retention Tournament 19 Need top 3 choices
League District Squirt/10U tournament cost - Gate or No gate? 10U tournament weekend change League Play format Playoff formats Region Seeding 14UA/B League Proposal 5 minute warm up League game time out Strategic Planning Meeting Codes of Conduct: Player, Coach, Parent, Spectator YHH Squirtacular & New leagues District Director Update › Waivers › Other 20
D6 Meetings: July 29 September 30 October 29 November 25 January 27 Additional one in March if needed EPCC 7pm Registration Dates: 7/25 D6 Registrar Mtg 9/24 team declarations 10/26 roster ban/pw/12u 11/16 roster sq/10u 12/1 roster jr gold/19u/14u 12/14 roster mites 12/29 last day to change/add to rosters 21
Chair – Tim Mayasich Co-Chair – Dave Kemp Dates: Wed 12/4, 12/18, 1/1*, 1/15, 1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12 7pm Braemar Coaches Self Reporting When you have to appear Purpose: Not to dispute the call, but to discuss the offense. ALTERNATE DATE 23
Ice Coordinator Meeting 9/9 Davannis Eden Prairie FINAL team declarations due 9/24 (JG/19U/14U est.) Game Draw Dates: 10/3, 10/5,10/8, 10/10, 11/14 (14U/19U) 5pm St Andrews Church, Eden Prairie League Start dates: Nov 1st for all but below Dec 1st - 10U, 19U, 14U & Squirt Squirt Tournament: March 7-12 – BIG 10U Tournament: March Victoria Ice Arena Squirt/10U notification due to D6 by 11/1 24
District 6 Coordinators: Don Strom/Sharon Morgan FINAL team declarations due 11/20 All interested players should be placed on a team TWO levels of JGB Scheduling Meeting: 11/25 CEP 12/7 and 12/8 Blaine Mandatory Coaches/Mgr Meeting: 12/9 Braemar 7pm League Start date: 12/10 League End Date: 2/28 Playdowns/Regions: Date 2/29 thru 3/2 Schwan Coaches appreciation meeting Mar 4 Green Mill Shoreview State Tournament March Braemar All Star Game: **Prelim until August Metro League Meeting 25
Must be approved by District 6. Invitational Tournaments must have Tournament Director & District 6 Director Approval. Substitute Goalie must be rostered at the same or lower playing level and division. NO SUBSTITUTE GOALIES AT GIRLS U10 A/B & ALL SQUIRTS! Substitution forms available on D6 Website and should be filled out, scanned and ed to D6 President. Regions/State – follow MN Hockey rules 26