Unit 1.4 Recurrence Relations Higher Mathematics Unit 1.4 Recurrence Relations
The General Term of a Sequence A sequence is just a pattern of numbers defined by some given rule. This rule should allow you to determine any term of the sequence quite clearly. There are two ways of defining patterns or sequences of numbers. Continue Continue
The General Term of a Sequence The first is to give a general formula explicitly which defines the nth term, un, of the sequence in terms of n itself. The second is to give a formula which determines the next value in the sequence from the previous one. This is an implicit formula i.e. each value is implied from the one before. Continue
Definitions and Terminology Often the most confusing aspect of this topic is the terminology and notation used, in order to help you with this here are some pointers!! n Þ term number i.e. first, second etc. un Þ the value of the “current term” un+1 Þ the value of the “next term” un-1 Þ the value of the “previous term” u0 Þ the value of the “starting term” u1 Þ the value of the “first term” some times the “starting term” Continue
Definitions and Terminology Note : Sometimes the starting value is referred to as u0 other times as u1. You should be comfortable using either notation. Just remember that the 2nd term may therefore be u1 or u2 respectively!! Continue
Explicit and Implicit Formulae There are two ways of defining patterns or sequences of numbers:- (a) Explicit Formulae (as in Worked Example 1) (b) Implicit Formulae (known as Recurrence Relations),
Explicit Formulae un is given (explicitly) in terms of n. This means it is easy to find the actual value of any term e.g. u100, without knowing the earlier ones. This was shown in Worked Example 1. Continue
Implicit Formulae This means each term is determined (or implied) from the previous term. e.g. (a) un+1 = 5un (u0 = 2) (b) un = un-1 – 3 (u0 = 100) (c) un+1 = 0·8un + 10 (u0 = 20) They are known as Recurrence Relations as they form a recurring sequence based on the previous term.
Linear Recurrence Relations So far we have looked at the following types of recurrence relations :- (multiplying) un+1 = 2un (u1 = 5) (adding) un+1 = un + 3 (u1 = 5) What happens when we combine these ideas ? (multiplying and adding) Þ un+1 = 2un + 3 (u1 = 5) Continue
Linear Recurrence Relations This is called a Linear Recurrence Relation, and in general looks like un+1 = aun + b (can you see why it`s called linear ?) (y = mx + c ?) Note : It is much more difficult to find a general (explicit) formula for un this time, though you should not be asked to do this by the SQA.
Generating recurrence relations on a Graphic Calculator. A graphic calculator provides an ideal platform to rapidly calculate and display terms of a recurrence relation. Here is how to do it. Key the value of u0 and [ENTER] to get initial value. Construct relation using ANS facility [2nd][(-)] Press [ENTER] to get next value. Continue
Generating recurrence relations on a Graphic Calculator. Use the same recurrence relation as used in example 5. Vn+1 = 0·6Vn + 30 (V0 = 100) Enter the start value i.e. 100 [ENTER] Construct relation using ANS facility [2nd][(-)] Press [ENTER] to get next value. Press [ENTER] to get next value. Continue
Concept of a Limit. I work in an old shabby classroom and my Headteacher agrees to let me paint a wall. He says that I can only paint half of the unpainted wall each day. I agree! How long will it take to completely paint the wall? Continue
Concept of a Limit. My Wall Day 4 Day 3 Day 1 Day 6 Day 5 Day 2 Continue
Concept of a Limit. So on day 1, I paint ½ On day 2, I paint ¼ On day 3, I paint ⅛ and so on. So my total is given by S will never total 1 so I will never actually finish painting the room, although it might appear that I do. There will always be a little space if I do it properly. That is the idea of a limit – the end is never reached, it only appears to be. If you consider that you would probably just dab the little space left at some point, that is the same as rounding your answer. Continue
Concept of a Limit. Mathematically a limit is when each term of a sequence approaches the same value. Will every recurrence relation have a limit? How can we tell? We will consider some relations and look at the resulting graphs to establish a pattern. The existence of a limit should be obvious graphically. Continue
Different values of a We will look at different recurrence relations and compare them graphically to consider whether a limit may exist or not. We only need consider relations of the type: un+1 = aun + b The values we need to consider are: a > 1 a = 1 0 < a < 1 a = 0 −1 < a < 0 a = − 1 a < − 1 Continue
a > 1 un=2·5un-1+ 20 as n gets larger u(n) moves to ∞ Continue n 10 2 45 3 132.5 4 351.25 5 898.125 6 2265.31 7 5683.28 8 14228.2 9 35590.5 as n gets larger u(n) moves to ∞ Continue
a = 1 un=1un-1+ 20 as n gets larger u(n) moves to ∞ 10 2 30 3 50 4 70 5 90 6 110 7 130 8 150 9 170 190 11 210 as n gets larger u(n) moves to ∞ Consider if the constant term = 0, i.e. don’t add 20. When a = 1 the limit problem is ambiguous. Continue
0 < a < 1 un=0.6un-1+ 20 n u(n) 1 10 2 26 3 35.6 4 41.36 5 44.816 6 46.8896 7 48.1338 8 48.8803 9 49.3282 49.5969 11 49.7581 as n gets larger u(n) moves to 50 . This is a limit. Continue
a = 0 un=0un-1+ 20 n u(n) 1 10 2 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 as n gets larger u(n) moves to 20 . This is a limit. Continue
−1 < a < 0 un=-0.4un-1+ 10 n u(n) 1 2 9.2 3 6.32 4 7.472 5 7.0112 6 7.19552 7 7.12179 8 7.15128 9 7.13949 10 7.14421 11 7.14232 as n gets larger u(n) moves to 7.142857… This is known as an oscillating graph. It is a limit. Continue
when a = −1 un = −1un-1 + 20 n u(n) 1 9 2 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 This is an oscillating graph. It will not settle on a limit. Consider if u0 = 10, though. When a = −1 the limit problem is ambiguous. Continue
And if a < -1? un = −1.7un-1+20 n u(n) 1 9 2 4.7 3 12.01 4 -0.417 5 20.7089 6 -15.2051 7 45.8487 8 -57.9428 118.503 10 -181.455 11 328.473 12 -538.404 Note that this graph heads off towards both + ∞ and – ∞ as successive values change sign. Continue
Establishing if a recurrence relation will have a Limit. For every linear recurrence relation:- un+ 1 = aun + b un ® L (Limit), as n ® ¥ , if –1 < a < 1 and un will NOT tend to a limit (other than 0) generally if a > 1 (or a < –1) i.e A limit exists if a is a positive or negative fraction Here`s how to find the limit very quickly and very easily !!
Establishing if a recurrence relation will have a Limit. There are three reasons you could give an exam marker for why you believe that the recurrence relation is producing terms that appear to be approaching a limit. Continue
Establishing if a recurrence relation will have a Limit. Reason 1 though the terms are getting smaller, the actual amount they are decreasing by each time is getting smaller also and is tending to zero. Reason 2 the graph indicates that un is tending to a limit (L) as n ® ¥. Reason 3 the multiplication factor a = 0·7 (in un+1 = 0·7un + 10) and when -1< a < 1, automatically gives a recurrence relation with a limit. Continue
Establishing if a recurrence relation will have a Limit. Important :- In order to maximise the marks you get in an exam, you must give one of the above reasons for why a limit exists before actually proceeding to find the limit. Continue
un = un+1 = un+2 = un+3 = ……… ® L !!!!!!! Finding the Limit (L). Once you have established that a limit exists it is very easy to find the limit (L). Can you see that if the sequence tends to a limit, then eventually after a while, un = un+1 = un+2 = un+3 = ……… ® L !!!!!!! (i.e. all the terms (after a while) will effectively be the same as each other (to a given number of decimal places) and will have the value L.) Continue
Finding the Limit (L). To find L: Simply replace both un and un+1 in the recurrence relation by the letter L and solve the equation.
Problems using Recurrence Relations Problems involving recurrence relations often require the use of common sense and a careful reading of the question! A typical scenario requires the construction of an appropriate relationship where the important quantity is the residue rather than the quantity given. This would typically be offered as a percentage. It means that the residue is the value remaining after subtraction from 100%. Let’s look at an example: Continue
Problems using Recurrence Relations The local pond is badly polluted. It is thought to contain 15 tonnes of noxious chemicals which need to be removed. The cleaning process reduces the chemicals by 28% each week. The pond still suffers an additional 1 tonne of chemicals each week. Write a recurrence relation for the amount of chemical present at the end of each week. The local authority would like the content to fall below 3 tonnes. What advice should you give them about the time needed for that to happen? Continue
Problems using Recurrence Relations If 28% of the chemicals are removed then (100 – 28)% remain. This figure is used in the recurrence relation. Chemical remaining is 72%, u0 = 15 tonnes Relation un+1 = 0.72 un + 1 Calculate a few terms to establish the pattern…. The value of the linear coefficient (0.72) is important. -1 < a < 1 shows that a limit will exist for this situation. This is also suggested by the table of values. n un 15 1 11.8 2 9.496 3 7.83712 4 6.642726 5 5.782763 6 5.163589 7 4.717784 8 4.396805 9 4.165699
Problems using Recurrence Relations To calculate the limit solve the problem L = 0.72 L + 1 1L – 0.72L = 1 0.28L = 1 L = 1 ÷ 0.28 L = 3.571428571… The authority would need to rethink their strategy as the amount of chemical pollutant will never fall to 3 tonnes.