Presenter: Your Name Here 11/5/20131
Volunteer for Sierra Club Canada 2 Important Points: Its Easy Lots of Benefits Clear up some myths 5-10 minutes of your time Introduction 11/5/20132 Take the Next Step
We generate enough waste to fill the Scotiabank Place 160x each year with garbage. 45% of garbage (by weight) set out by avg. Ottawa household is compostable organic material. Facts 11/5/20133 Take the Next Step
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1.One rule: SEPARATE, SEPARATE Its Easy 11/5/20135 Take the Next Step
1.Conservation of Landfill - THOUSANDS OF TONS of garbage EACH WEEK will now be recycled. Benefits 11/5/20136 Take the Next Step
2. Odours - Its not the plastic bags or tin cans that smell, its the food! Benefits 11/5/20137 Take the Next Step
3. Methane is the key - 1 ton of food scraps = 5-6 tons of CO 2 Benefits 11/5/20138 Take the Next Step
4. Produce a soil return -Turn waste into a useable product -Compost is cheaper than chemical fertilizers & pesticides Benefits 11/5/20139 Take the Next Step
Bury it (the landfill argument) -Costly -Acidic leachate Myth #1 11/5/ Take the Next Step
Burn it -Costly -Food contains 70-80% H 2 O, meaning MORE energy required to dry it out Myth #2 11/5/ Take the Next Step
Extra Trucks -Tonnage is the same -Impact is minimal compared to Methane savings Myth #3 11/5/ Take the Next Step
Compost -Only 10% will do this year round -Green Bin comes to everyones door (Its easy) Myth #4 11/5/ Take the Next Step
Food waste/scraps Yard waste Other items: E.g. kitty litter, dryer lint, microwave popcorn bags, waxed paper For complete list, visit: n101/What.aspx What Goes In 11/5/ Take the Next Step
Plastic! Also, Diapers + Dog Waste What Stays Out 11/5/ Take the Next Step
For more information please visit: Learn More Thank you for your time! 11/5/ Take the Next Step