Listening-p41 Which subject do you think would be the most expensive? If you could have one of these objects as present, which would you choose? Why? If you had to buy a present for someone who was an art teacher, which present do you think she would like best? How many boys and how many girls did you hear speaking? Did all three students arrive at the same time? Did they find it easy to decide on a present? At the end of the tape, do we know which present they choose?
1 1.vase 2.paints and brushes 4.wall hanging 2. Steve Lee=4 times Wang Pei=7 times Xiao Wei=7 times 3.1.Xiao Wei. was too expensive. 3.Mrs Hang would probably have known what to get mr. hang. 4.At first he liked the book but later he thought the wall hanging would be first. 5.I think they will probably seem to get the wall hanging because the others seem to respect Wang Wei’s opinion. Also, they know Mr Hang likes that type of wall hanging.
Listening-p44 order name of the historical period features 3. Tang Dynasty The traditional style that is practised even today was well developed. Pictures of human figures, animals and everyday life were popular during the Tang Dynasty th century Painters have become influenced by Western art, both abstract and realistic art painted. 2. First century AD Religious theme, organized system of drawing focused on the use of brush strokes 6. 20th century Painters have become influenced by Western art, both abstract and realistic art painted BC painted pottery 4. Yuan Dynasty Pictures of human figures and still life became popular. Scenery did not look realistic with a particular part of the scenery enlarged/ focused on.
Using words and expressions verbsnounadjective abstractabstractionabstract attemptattemptattempted collectcollection collective/collectable/ collected exhibitexhibit/exhibitionexhibited influenceinfluenceinfluential photograph photograph/photogr apher photographic predictpredictionPredicted/predictable /professionprofessional symbolisesymbolsymbolic
2/1.Nouns. These are no exceptions in this chart(-tion is a common ending) 2.the verb column. Verbs are often, but not always shorter than any other parts of speech. 3.-ed. Other common endings for adjectives are –al, -ic, -able, -ful and –y.
Ex.3 collective predictable attempt exhibit symbolize abstraction photographer influence profession
Using language-ex.4 1.She knows a great deal more about contemporary modern art than I do. 2.Impressionist painters broke away from traditional ideas about art. 3.Today we will focus on the art works of the Renaissance. 4.If I had a permanent address, you would be able to send me those paintings. 5. I have scores of CDs at home. Would you like to come and listen to some of them? 6. I have not only seen Picasso in the flesh, but also know a lot about his life experiences and all his art works.
Reading task Who wrote the letter? Who was the letter written to? When was it written? What three purposes of the letter? What three things do students want to do? What is the purpose of the second last paragraph? To argue the case/ give reasons to support the students’ request. What is the purpose of the last paragraph? To summarize their requests and to finish the letter in a polite way.
Letter from Jo ryan, Class president Asking for the permission and a donation of $500 Reason: To make the back of the school more attractive. Their plan: 1 make a nature garden that has trees, grass, paths and a pond. 2. Paint the back wall of the school. 3. Paint the rubbish bins. Work will be done by: Parents and students.
Discovering useful structure — subjective mood The situation being referred is not real, it is hypothetical. Hypothetical situations arte exoressed using the subjective mood.
If someone gave you a valuable painting as a present, what would you do with it? I’d hang it on the wall of my bedroom/ I’d sell it and buy something useful for my family. I’d give it to our town’s art gallery so lots of people could enjoy it.
further practice If you were the mayor of Guangzhou City, what changes would you make first? If you were the headmaster of our school, what changes would you make first? If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
Ex.2 1. were, would drink 2. were, would be 3. were, would be 4. could, would draw 5. were, would help 6. were, would visit 7. knew, would send 8. were, would be 10. came, would go
Using structures I wish I were the principal of this school, then I’d give us all a holiday today. I wish I could do magic, then I’d wave my wand and turn you all into cute little pussy cats. I wish I could read your thoughts, then I’d know what you are thinking right now.
Ex.1 I wish I were taller enough to play basketball. I wish you could come. I wish he could/ was able to visit us next week. I wish I could draw well. I wish I could go to Paris with you.
Ex.3 If I ran into a dinosaur in the forest, I would run away as fast as I could. If I met Pavarotti in the flesh, I would tell him how much I enjoyed his painting. If I know more about Beijing opera, I would probably enjoy it more. If I were good at paper cutting, I would make greeting cards for all my friends. If I lived in Beijing, I would go to the opera all the time.
Grammar-wish 后的宾语从句 含义动词形式例句 针对现状表 达愿望(与 事实相反) 过去时形 式 I wish I had a little lab of my own 对过去发生 的事情表示 遗憾或后悔 过去完成 式形式 I wish you had let me known earlier. 针对将来表 达愿望(虽 然可能性极 小,但有实 现的可能) would/co uld/migh t+ 动词原 形 I wish you wouldn’t smoke any more. I wish he could come tomorrow. She sincerely wished that she might do something to comfort him.
wish-hope I wish Tessa were here now. I hope you weren’t late. I hope you are ready. I hope he comes tomorrow. We hope you’ll be very happy. wish 后的宾语从句常用 were 代替 was hope 后面不用虚拟语气,而用相应的时态表达过去、 现在或将来的有关愿望
2. 表示现在、将来的情况的虚拟条件句 含义含义含义含义动词形式例句 If 从句 主句 would/should /could/might+ 动词原形 If we had enough money, we would buy a computer. 与事实相反与事实相反与事实相反与事实相反现在过去时形式 If it rained tomorrow, we’d stay at home. If I were /was to ask, would you help me? It it should be necessary, I could come at six. 将来过去时形式 were/was to + 动词原形 should + 动词原形
说明: If I were rich, I would buy you anything you want. (虚拟条件从句种常用 were 代替 was ) Were she in charge (=if she were in charge), she would do things differently. ( 含有 were 的虚拟条件句中的 if 可能被省略,这时从句要 采用倒转语序 ) It’s raining. We’ll get wet if we go out. ( 不是所有的条件句都用虚拟语气,有可能发生的假设不 用虚拟语气,而用相应的时态表达与过去、现在或将来 有关的假设 )
I wish I (can) clever enough to work out the (abstract /easy) geometry problem. If I (be) you, I (will) buy abstract painting. If you (focus more on) your study, I believe you (can make) great progress. If we (have) a great deal of time, we (will finish) the project as you wish. If I (have) enough money, I (buy) that beautiful sculpture. I wish you (can) go to the art gallery with us. If there (be) enough tickets, I’d let you know. I go to my favourite art gallery, if I (pass) the terrible maths exams this Friday. He (will) paint objects in a different style if he (know) modern art. could be abstract were focused more on could make don’t have wouldn’t finish had would buy could were would passed would knew could buy