Module 1 Read the information and pay attention to some words. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. It has four countries.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 1

Read the information and pay attention to some words. The United Kingdom is off the northwest coast of continental Europe. It has four countries with one government. These countries are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. France is Europe’s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel. Spain is to the south of France. Between France and Spain is another mountain range---the Pyrenees. Italy is in the south of Europe on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It looks like a boot. Greece is in the southeast of Europe. Twenty percent of the country is covered by islands. Next look at the map and then complete the table.

CountryCapitalLanguage United Kingdom London FranceParisFrench Athens English Greek Italy Greece Rome Italian SpainMadridSpanish

READING Can you recognize the following places?

Now listen, match the photos with the sentences.

DISCUSSION 1.What did you know about these cities before you read the text? 2.What new information did you learn? 3.Which of them would you most like to visit?

Read the text and answer the questions. 1.Which of the cities are capital cities? 2.Which one is situated on the coast? 3.Which is famous for its places to eat? 4.Which ones are or were important cities for writers and artists? 5.Which was the world’s greatest city a long time ago?

1.Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. the capital and largest city of France situated on eg. The singer and writer is famous across the world. be situated on …/be located in …/ eg. The gallery is also located in Paris. Barcelona is situated on the northeast coast. 这个美术馆也位于巴黎。 Barcelona 位于东北海岸。 LANGUAGE POINTS

2. The city is also famous for its restaurants… famous for be famous for/as/to 她作为作家要比歌手名声大 She was more famous as a writer than as a singer. 西湖世界闻名。 The West Lake is famous to the people all over the world. 3. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in worked on until work on 从事于某事 work for 为 … 工作 work as 作为 …

FUNCTION Read the sentences. Italy is in the south of Europe. Portugal is to the west of Spain. Barcelona is on the northeast coast of Spain. The UK is off the northwest of Europe.

FUNCTION Now do you know how to describe location? Paris is situated ____the River Seine. There is a mountain _______France and Italy. Barcelona is a city ____the coast of Spain. Britain is an island ____the coast of Europe. France and England face each other ____ the English Channel. on between on off on

FUNCTION Mongolia is ________China and Russia. China is ________________of India. Guangzhou is ___________of China. Shenyang is _________Beijing and Harbin. Chongqing is situated ___the Yangtze River. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is______________of China. in the south between on in the southwest to the northeast

GRAMMAR Paris is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. The Sagrada Familia was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. Florence’s most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists. Athens is known as the birthplace of western civilisation. The Parthenon was built during this period. (1)PASSIVE VOICE

GRAMMAR (1)PASSIVE VOICE About a million tourists visit Florence every year. Ten million people visited London last year. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. Picasso didn’t paint the Mona Lisa. Thousands of workers built the Great Wall of China. Make the following sentences passive.

GRAMMAR Florence is visited by a million tourists every year. London was visited by ten million people last year. The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. The Mona Lisa was not painted by Picasso. The Great Wall was built by thousands of workers. (1)PASSIVE VOICE

GRAMMAR My family lives in Cardiff. Our soccer team is fantastic. The whole class is here. Neither Amy nor Helen is English. None of them has arrived yet. Each of them has a capital city. Neither of them is English. (2)SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT

GRAMMAR The police are searching for him. Some sheep are over there. Five minutes is enough to do this exercise. More than one student has seen this film. Many a ship has been damaged in the storm. Men of this kind are dangerous. Between the two windows hangs a picture. (2)SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT

CULTURAL CORNER Do you know this picture?

What is the European Union? The European Union is an organisation of European countries. The countries are independent and governed in different ways. How did it start? The idea of the European Union began in the 1950s.

How many countries belong to it now? In 2004 the European Union increased to 25 countries. The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people.

PRACTICE 1. A new_______( 美术馆 ) will be built in the city. 2. We are _______( 面临 ) with a difficult decision. 3. There are many ______( 古代 ) building in Rome. 4.The station is just _______( 对面 ) the store. 5. At last we came to an __________( 协议 ). 6. The company will send some ______________( 代 表 ) to London. MODULE 1 gallery representatives ancient opposite agreement faced

PRACTICE 7. A famous _______( 建筑师 )made plans for his home. 8. A pigeon is the ______( 象征 ) of peace. 9. Chinese _________( 文明 ) is one of the oldest in the world. 10. The new ________( 工程 ) is to build our own swimming baths. MODULE 1 architect symbol civilisation project

Now you have learnt the whole module, you have know a lot about Europe. Write a passage about your favorite European city.