WELCOME TO COMP ART August 3rd- August 18th
DAY 1 CLASSROOM WORK AUGUST 3RD Give Assigned seats Go over Classroom rules Give out buckets Show word wall, homework wall Go over Syllabus Daily Objectives: Students will… Understand what I expected of them in this class Be able to find everything they need in the class
DAY 1 HOMEWORK Due tomorrow: Write using full sentences how you get to your house from the school. 10 points One page It is important to use full sentences and explain the route to me like I am an alien. In this class you will be practicing how to write about art. This is just as important as making art. Due Friday: Signed Syllabus 5 points Link to Syllabus wqPIwJzI/pub
DAY 2: OBJECTIVES AUGUST 4TH Students will… Be able to recite the elements of art. Be able to find elements in different Art. Be able to show their knowledge on a worksheet
DAY 2: ELEMENTS CLASSWORK Go Over Elements of art. Students will get a book from the book shelf. In groups of three they will be asked to pick out a picture that best fits each element. Groups will be asked to share what they have found and why they thought it matched the element. Students will then complete a worksheet on the elements. Link for worksheet: CbDQ78s/pub
DAY 2 HOMEWORK Finish Worksheet 10 points
WATCH VIDEO Pause and take notes on each element
DAY 3 OBJECTIVES AUGUST 5TH Students will… Understand the importance of sketchbooks Produce a sketchbook Students will be shown how to take visual notes
DAY 3 CLASSWORK Students will produce 3 pages in their sketchbook with visual notes to explain the flowing terms. Primary Colors Secondary Colors Intermediate Colors Cool Colors Warm Colors Analogues Colors
DAY 3 HOMEWORK Finish your visual notes 20 points
DAY 4: COLOR MIXING AUGUST 6TH Using Tempera Paint students will learn about what colors make what. What are the primary colors How do we make secondary colors How do we make intermediate colors Paint the color wheel worksheet (Link Below If absent) owQzZMQUtja3Fj/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/a/oswego.edu/file/d/0BxnHVotbkyLpckkyQ0M2TEl0MER1elI0X0 owQzZMQUtja3Fj/view?usp=sharing In you sketchbook put two colors next to each other. Write about how they make you feel together and why you think they make you feel that way? 5 points Students will get in groups and make posters on the each color term
DAY 5 OBJECTIVES AUGUST 7TH Students will be able to … Produce a sketch for their tag Identify graffiti
DAY 5 CLASSWORK First students will watch a video on graffiti art Students will then be shown a PowerPoint on graffiti art Followed by how graffiti artist in Brazilian protested during the World Cup Now that you know how colors make you feel and you have seen how graffiti can be used to communicate with the public. Make your own tag that can be used to communicate with your school.
QUESTIONS TO HELP YOU PLAN What am I trying to communicate? Why is this topic important to me? What is the feeling I get about this topic? What colors can I use to demonstrate this topic?
HOMEWORK In you sketchbook answer the following questions and draw a sketch of your idea in pencil.
MONDAY-FRIDAY WEEK 2 AUGUST Students will have a week to make a large scale tag based off the sketch they did for homework. Demonstrate different ways to use oil pastels. Final tag will be due Monday of week 3 in the beginning of class. Students will grade themselves using a rubric We will also take the time to take about every ones art.
AUGUST 17TH Class discussion on art Kahoot game on color and graffiti Test August 18 th Review Sheet Link Below : g g