Tyrepower Presentation
Tyrepower marketing objectives Tyrepower’s role in the marketplace is to remain aware of and to anticipate customer needs To remain knowledgeable of tyre improvements and trends To be aware of competitor changes and roles To be determined about positioning Tyrepower as the premium, progressive, dynamic retail brand of choice
Our homework revealed Our image looking dated Our stores looking tired Our brand identity inconsistent and ragged Our competitors are looking sharper, more modern and progressive We feel Tyrepower must act now or be left behind Tyrepower needs to be seen as a trendsetter Our image and advertising must be seen as consistent and dynamic
Steps taken We sought opinions from variety of Tyrepower stores in different states All those counselled were of the opinion Tyrepower should have a more modern store presentation, and more modern logo Professional design studios were questioned on their opinions Conclusion was to call for submissions from a number of professional design shops in different states
The outcome Professional design shops approached and briefed Their design submissions analysed by Tyrepower board Their colour suggestions critically debated Customer opinion research was employed Their logo and icon suggestions debated
The winning design The winning design retained Tyrepower colours Board agreed keeping colours was essential Winning design was a clear research favourite It was thought to be modern, progressive, professional Above all, it was thought to be ‘different’ Take a look at the brand new Tyrepower brand logo …
Say hello to the new Tyrepower (New logo shown here)
New design applied to a typical store (Typical store)
A unique and individual design The red, white and blue retained and improved Now we have a memorable device, an ICON We have a vastly improved more modern font And we have a highly individual store-front ‘swoop’ Lets look at some sample ‘before and after’ store fronts…
Before and after of: 1.Kelmscott 2.Gap 3.Warners Bay 4.Bunbury 5.Bundaberg 6.Wollongong 7.Murphys (awnings) 8.North Geelong (awnings) 9.Rockhamton 10.Bowral 11.St Agnes
Phasing in the new design It is hoped that all stores will have the new design and logo applied by the end of 2005 At least 20 stores have already commenced applying the new design and logo Some of these are brand new stores, others are already Tyrepower, but have been in need of upgrading At detailed Brand Identity Style Manual will be provided to every store showing exact colours and how to paint ‘swoop’ Name and icon badging will be available in 3 dimensional sets of varying sizes (and varying prices) The number of sets required will match the store number of walls and/or faces
Everyone’s role Individual stores will need to determine their own preferred timing Accurate photography (preferably digital) is required for each wall of face needing painting (by store owner) Tyrepower has one contractor for all store re designs – digital photos are forwarded to them. Design is sent back to individual store (as well as to state manager) for verification or change Individual stores can access a Tyrepower selected painter or use their own (with Tyrepower approval)
Possible painting costings Red and blue with white swoop to one 16m x 4m wall approx $ Three walls might be $ A three face awning might be $ (details to come)
Possible icon-logo costings Using mounted high resolution digital print icon and 3 dimensional Tyrepower cut out letters – A 1400 mm icon 700 mm letter set $ A 1000 mm icon 500 mm letter set $ A 800 mm icon 400 mm letter set $ A 600 mm icon 300 mm letter set $ (Price details to come)
Possible icon/logo application costings (details to come)
Possible services/brand list sign costings (details to come)