1 st take attendence….then….
Fill out one of the index cards(that was handed to you as you walked in) with answers to the items below in this order: 1) Your name: first and last 2) Your grade 3) Contact info for parents/guardians ( , phone #) 4) Favorite thing you did this summer 5) What you want to learn in art? 6) What do you already know about art? 7) What is your favorite thing to make art with(pen, pencil, paint, etc)? When you are done, please wait for others to finish. Thank you!
Bell Work Agenda & Essential Question Who is Mrs. Lyon? Who are the students? What is this class? Group/table tag discussion? First assignment Exit pass
Guide dog in training that was here last year Went off to college to finish his training as a guide dog
Activity: Share at your table answers at your table(5-10 min.) Find something in common with everyone at your table ▪ Write it down on the whiteboard ▪ Pick someone to share it with the class
Calendars around room(next class) Sinks Recycling Desk space Hall Pass Not during the 1 st 10 min. or last 10 min. of class Only 3 per term, must sign back of planner Folders!!! (next class & sketch books, pay art fees) Name on both sides Where does it go? (5-15 min) Questions?
Activity: By table groups Pick one marker color from your table Go around and answer the sheets Take about 2-3 min. at each question Switch questions when the teacher asks you to Estimated time min. Review comments to questions Establish classroom expectations according to PBS.
Exit Card: (your pass to get out of class when the teacher excuses you, not the bell) Pick one of the two questions to answer or answer both: 1) What was your favorite thing we did today? 2) What are you most excited about so far in this class?
Instructions: Answer the questions on the paper you picked up by the front door. Hint: Symbol: something that represents something else Example: this is a symbol for peace
Bell work Role 1 st Art Project: Symbols Library: collect images Disclosure Define terms Make an art folder! Studio time Exit Pass
Symbols in art are one of the oldest forms of visual communication and convey meaning beyond what's obvious.
Print off one sheet of paper Find images that you could use for this project About min. in library Leave all bags and water bottles in the class The room will be locked Go to the tables in the middle of the library and wait for instructions
Try to define each of the words on the blue disclosure. Studio Production Higher Level Thinking Art-related technology skills Art criticism Art history Aesthetics
Studio – the place where you create the art Example: the art classroom, sketching outside, etc. Production: making something out of something else Example: using paint to create a painting, taking a pencil to make a drawing, etc.
Analyze Problem Solving Reasoning Creating
Any technology and the skill it takes to use that technology to make art Examples: pencil, pen, computer, camera, printer, etc.
Looking at a work of art and sharing your perspective about it We will only do this in a way that helps each artist and does not hurt the artist The intent is to improve your art work by looking at it with a critical eye
The study of the history and development of the visual arts. We will talk about at least 2 artist with every project A record will be kept on the wall under the window
theory of beauty or philosophy of art What you think is beautiful or how you see art
Make a folder Fold it Staple it Write your name on it Keep your work in it Store it by your class period and table
Definition of a symbol: sym·bol (smbl) noun 1. Something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible.. 2. A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, element, quantity, quality, or relation, as in mathematics or music.. 3. An object or image that an individual unconsciously uses to represent repressed thoughts and feelings.
The scale that you are graded by, so you know what is expected of you. Review (2-5 min.) Questions
3 – 5 sketches of ideas for your symbol In pencil on the white paper at your tables Symbol ideas can be anything that you think represents you Colors, what colors are you going to use for each part of your symbol, label them(you will be using colored pencil for this part) Get you design checked off by Mrs. Lyon, once you do you can get your paper to do your final drawing of your symbol on
Syllabus for Art A (outline) Details about grades Rules that we established today Review of school expectations Anything else you need to know? (2 min) Continue working on Symbols Assignment Be ready for Bell Work again at the beginning of class! See you next class!
1. What is the one thing that you enjoyed doing today in class?