Tree Map for different versions of Arthurian Legend ARTHURIAN LEGEND Anglo-Saxon Histories Le Morte d’Arthur “Sir Gawain” “Lady of Shalott” Twain’s Connecticut Yankee Monty Python’s Holy Grail
Thesis Practice
Your thesis should have a focused point-of-view. Restating fact should NOT be the role of a thesis statement. Ex: Shakespeare became famous because his plays were incredibly popular. BETTER THESIS: Because Shakespeare wrote plays that appealed to everyone, from the lower classes up to the queen herself, his plays speedily became renowned throughout England. (This thesis gives you something to PROVE in your essay, through well-presented research and practically-subliminal persuasion. )
Create a thesis from this prompt. Compare/contrast Beowulf and Arthur as characters and kings. (Consider why they are different and what makes them different.)
Create a thesis from this prompt. Discuss what Medieval ideals were elevated the most in Le Morte d’Arthur.
Good Theses for the Prompt: The system of feudalism was dependent on the loyalty of subordinates, and Le Morte d’Arthur took this loyalty and elevated it to a quality that could destroy a kingdom. Medieval feudalism elevated the king to a man just below God in hierarchy, and in Le Morte d’Arthur, quite literally, King Arthur is the land. The well-being of King Arthur reflects upon all of Camelot, making his role as king the most essential aspect of the novel.
Create a thesis for this, your actual essay prompt: Discuss how Arthurian legend has changed across the ages. How and why has it changed? How are symbolism, theme, and characterization based upon the period they were written? Consider: the Anglo-saxon Histories, Medieval Legend, Tennyson’s Victorian Poetry, Twain’s Connecticut Yankee, and Monty Python’s satire.