Secondary Writing Strand English SOL Institute Secondary Writing Strand Christina Frierman
Secondary Writing Key Points in Secondary Writing Writing revolves around mode, purpose, audience, and process Provide students opportunities to practice writing on demand, for shorter time frames, and over extended periods of time Each grade level has a composing/revision standard and an editing/grammar standard
Secondary Writing Key Points in Secondary Writing Teaching writing is an expectation of every grade, not only “tested” grades Provide students with opportunities to compose using computers Self- and peer-editing opportunities for students are essential
Secondary Writing Key Points in Secondary Writing 6-8 writing emphasis is expository and persuasive writing 9-12 writing emphasis is argumentative, persuasive, and analytical writing 9-12 writing should produce a sound argument, address counterclaims, provide sound reasoning, and come to a just conclusion
Secondary Writing Changes in SOL-Grade Level 9 Strand Description At the ninth-grade level, students will write narrative, expository, and persuasive forms with an emphasis on analysis. As in every grade, daily writing experiences are essential for all ninth- grade students, and they will demonstrate their understanding through written products. They will develop as writers by participating in a process for writing, including prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, editing, and publishing. Students will edit writings for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing. Removed literary Replaced informational with persuasive
Secondary Writing Target Objective 9.6: The student will develop narrative, expository, and persuasive writings for a variety of audiences and purposes.
Secondary Writing SOL 9.6 Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. Plan and organize writing to address a specific audience and purpose. Communicate clearly the purpose of the writing using a thesis statement where appropriate. Write clear, varied sentences using specific vocabulary and information. Elaborate ideas clearly through word choice and vivid description. Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression. Use transitions between paragraphs and ideas. Revise writing for clarity of content, accuracy, and depth of information. Use computer technology to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writing.
Essential Understandings Secondary Writing Essential Understandings Understand that writing is a process Understand the importance of audience, purpose, and point of view when writing Recognize the importance of maintaining a formal style and objective tone in academic writing Understand that the function of a thesis statement is to focus on the purpose of the writing
Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Secondary Writing Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Use prewriting strategies and organize writing. Plan and develop organized and focused written products that demonstrate their understanding of composing, written expression, and usage/mechanics and that reflect an appropriate audience and purpose. Demonstrate the purpose of writing as narrative, persuasive, expository, or analytical. Apply narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing to develop experiences or characters. Write using a clear, focused thesis that addresses the purpose for writing. Provide an engaging introduction and clear thesis statement that introduces the information presented.
Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Secondary Writing Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes Write clear, varied sentences, and increase the use of embedded clauses. Use specific vocabulary and information Use precise language to convey a vivid picture. Develop the topic with appropriate information, details, and examples. Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression using appropriate words or phrases to signal organizational pattern and transitions between ideas. Revise writing for clarity, content, depth of information, and intended audience and purpose. Use computer technology to assist in the writing process.
A Writer’s Workshop Approach Secondary Writing A Writer’s Workshop Approach
Secondary Writing Writer’s Workshop: Lesson Objective The student will examine a sample essay for the major components of a written response. The student will then use this information as part of the writing process.
Secondary Writing Writer’s Workshop: Structure Multi-day Partner, Small Group, Individual Multiple opportunities to explore, explain, employ, and reflect Multiple writing prompts
Secondary Writing Examination of a sample essay (Handout A) Writer’s Workshop: Procedures Examination of a sample essay (Handout A) Identification of thesis, main ideas, supporting details Share in small groups Discuss as whole class
Secondary Writing 2. Guided Practice A (Writing Prompt 1-Display A) Writer’s Workshop: Procedures 2. Guided Practice A (Writing Prompt 1-Display A) Steps in planning and organizing The question Write a thesis statement Plan supporting ideas ROSE Strategy
Secondary Writing Readings Observations Studies Experiences Writer’s Workshop: ROSE Strategy Readings Observations Studies Experiences
Secondary Writing 3. Guided Practice B (Writing Prompt 2-Handout B) Writer’s Workshop: Procedures 3. Guided Practice B (Writing Prompt 2-Handout B) Working in pairs, complete previous procedures Individually, write essay Apply strategy from Handout A Complete Reflection
Secondary Writing 4. Independent Practice Writing Prompt 3 (Handout C) Writer’s Workshop: Procedures 4. Independent Practice Writing Prompt 3 (Handout C) Complete all prior procedures
Contact Information Christina M. Frierman Tidewater Writing Project First Colonial High School City of Virginia Beach Public Schools
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